There is no hope for Selenskyjs speech in the Austrian

There is no hope for Selenskyj’s speech in the Austrian Parliament “

Fronts of the National Council are completely blocked on the question of whether President Zelenskyj should receive an invitation to a video message at the plenary session. The FPÖ is against it, the President of the National Council just wants to decide unanimously.

In Michael Jungwirth | 2:00 pm, April 19, 2022


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It remains unclear whether the Ukrainian president will actually deliver a speech.It remains unclear whether the Ukrainian president will actually deliver a speech © (c) AP (Evgeniy Maloletka)

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy will not be able to send a video message to the Austrian National Council in the near future. On the one hand, the FPÖ continues to oppose an invitation, on the other, the President of the National Council wants to Wolfgang Sobotka do not deviate from the principle of unanimity.

No right to speak for other presidents?

In FPÖ circles, the Kleine Zeitung pointed out that foreign presidents or prime ministers generally do not have the right to speak in the National Council. Indeed, the right to speak was extended to EU parliamentarians for the first time a few years ago, and since 2016 “highlights of European and international politics” can also be invited “to make a statement on a specific topic at a session of the National Council”. The pass was first used during a visit by the UN Secretary General.

Just unanimity in the presidency?

Those close to the president of the National Council pointed out that such an invitation required “agreement” at the Presidential Conference, which meant unanimity. In fact, the President of the National Council, to which all parliamentary parties belong, recently moved away from the principle of unanimity in isolated cases, for example when it came to installing Covid 19 Plexiglas glazing in the plenary.

The SPÖ does not want to “get in the way” of an invitation, as is emphasized, but such a video speech would have to be followed by a debate in the plenary. The Neos wanted to try again on Thursday.