1650409652 They condemn the US plan to exclude Cuba from the

They condemn the US plan to exclude Cuba from the UN Human Rights Council

They condemn the US plan to exclude Cuba from the

The aim is to exclude Cuba from the UN Human Rights Council. Photo: @KatuArkonada

Katu Arkonada, a Basque political scientist and member of the Network of Intellectuals in Defense of Humanity, denounced the US funding, through the National Foundation for Democracy (NED), a project against Cuba aimed at excluding the island from the Human Rights Council United Nations.

“Sources in Washington inform me that the US is funding a project against Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Bolivia through the NED. In the case of Cuba, it is #IslaPrisión and the goal is to exclude Cuba from the UN Human Rights Council,” the intellectual warns on his Twitter account.

“The project is part of a clean-up strategy for the recent vote against Russia’s withdrawal from the Human Rights CouncilArkonada says, citing Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat, leader of the Miami-based terrorist organization Cuban Democratic Directorate, as the main promoter of this new strategy against Cuba.

The Cuban Democratic Directorate was one of the organizations that called for US military intervention in Cuba last year and is one of the main channels of action for the well-known anti-Cuban lobby, the Cuban-American National Foundation.

2021, The directory was “publicly” paid $650,000 for its subversive activities, Arkonada denounces.

According to the Basque political scientist, the #IslaPrisión project is not part of the board, but is part of a global strategy of the US State Department.

“In Europe, they operate through the NGOs ‘Center for a Free Cuba’ (@cubacenter), ‘Cuban Human Rights Observatory’ (@observacuba) and ‘Cuban Prisoners Defender,'” adds the intellectual.

Apparently the central idea of ​​the #PrisonIsland plan is the condemnation of Cuba at the UN Human Rights Council, which will take place in Geneva on Tuesday April 19th.

Therefore, Gutiérrez Boronat and other members of the most violent sector of the Mayan extreme right are already in Switzerland.

“In addition to a media campaign, they want to show in Geneva manipulated audiovisual material about the riots in Cuba on July 11 and 12, 2021, with testimonies from relatives of people who have been arrested and convicted of violent crimes,” says Arkonada.

As in previous cases, and in line with the unconventional warfare manuals used by the US in the region, following the media offensive and in the Human Rights Council, pressure is being exerted by some Departments of State and the European Parliament to have these countries join the American “final solution” at.

Arkonada warns that this anti-Cuban plan is aimed at excluding Cuba from the UN body, but also to conclude the cooperation agreements between Cuba and the European Union.

“If it is already hypocritical for the United States and Saudi Arabia to exclude Russia from the Human Rights Council, it seems even more immoral to give a voice to the same organizations that advocate military intervention in Cuba but do not condemn torture at Guantánamo’s illegal base.” , denounces the political scientist.

According to Arkonada, “The decline of US imperialism is a reality, but as the multipolar world consolidates, democracy wanes and interference increases.”

The Human Rights Council is being used as a political weapon, today against Russia or Cuba, tomorrow against any country deemed “dangerous,” he concludes.

In 2020, by the secret, direct and individual vote of 170 members of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization, Cuba was elected to incorporate the Human Rights Councila 47-member body responsible for promoting and protecting all human rights in the world.

Cuba is a founding member of the UN Human Rights Council and has been elected member five consecutive times, occupying one of the eight seats reserved for the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cuba behaves in the Human Rights Council with its own constructive voice, with its experience as a developing country that defends dialogue and cooperation, against punitive approaches and selectivity, in favor of promoting and protecting all human rights for all.

See also:

The “American way” of waging war