Madness and massacre time

Madness and massacre time


«90% of Russians are AGAINST the war». So writes Russian banker Oleg Tinkov on Telegram today, in one of the most explicit messages against the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian elite, the Guardian reports. “I see no use in this mad war! Innocent people and soldiers die. The generals wake up with a hangover and realize they have a shitty army. How can the army do well when everything else in the country sucks, in the swamp of nepotism and subservience?” writes Tinkov in Russian. As for those paraphrasing the Z, “the idiots in each country are 10%, 90% of Russians are AGAINST war.”

End of the Shoigu Mystery?  The return and the allegations against the West, but one thing is not convincing

Turning to English, Tinkov turns to West: «Please he asks give Putin a clear way out so that he can save face and stop the massacre. Please be rational and humanitarian ». Tinkov had become one of the richest men in Russia with his digital bank Tinkoff, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange. But the war brought down its existence and the British government sanctioned it. His fortune dropped by $5 billion and he lost his billionaire status.

I saw it fly over our heads, the revelation of the ambassador in Odessa.  There is no escape