Lamar Jackson Believes Black Quarterback Prejudice Still Exists

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When it comes to bringing in black head coaches, the NFL needs to make significant progress. When it comes to black quarterbacks, the NFL has made a lot of progress. But one of the most famous black quarterbacks thinks more progress can be made.

On The Store, which has moved from HBO to YouTube for its fifth season, Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson discussed the ongoing prejudice against black quarterbacks.

“He’s dying, but he’s still there,” LeBron James said.

“He’s still there,” Jackson said. “That’s why I need this championship. That’s why I need this championship.”

The championship will not necessarily smooth out the broader thinking that potentially persists in some minds. As for Jackson, that would be the ultimate justification for his clumsy attempt to push him to receiver when he entered the league four years ago. This is how the topic was brought up during the show.

But then there’s Kyler Murray, who ended up on the wrong end of a character kill last month, and ESPN is pushing a report that he’s selfish, immature, pointing the finger. It’s like no other great quarterback, white or black, has those traits, especially when things go wrong.

GOAT, when it comes to tantrums, literally GOAT. Although it doesn’t happen very often due to his greatness, Tom Brady doesn’t hesitate to berate teammates, yell at coaches, destroy tablets, yell at officials and/or the ghost of Nick Fowles.

Selfish, immature, prone to finger pointing.

However, the football world has changed dramatically when it comes to level playing field for black quarterbacks. And it’s not just a development for the NFL. Classification often began (and perhaps still begins) at the lower athletic levels, with some youth coaches pushing top white athletes into quarterbacks and top black athletes into runners, receivers, and defensemen. So, as more black players developed as quarterbacks and more black quarterbacks played and excelled in college, the NFL had no choice but to acknowledge that prejudices and stereotypes had changed.