Boris Johnson apologizes to Parliament unreservedly

Boris Johnson apologizes to Parliament ‘unreservedly’

During his statement to the House of Commons, the Prime Minister apologized for attending a Downing Street party while in full custody.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson issued an “unreserved” apology to MPs on Tuesday April 19 after being fined in June 2020 for breaching anti-Covid restrictions, without convincing the opposition who again asked for his resignation.

Boris Johnson claimed it “did not occur to him then or later” that his attendance at a brief gathering at Downing Street on his birthday in June 2020 “could constitute a breach of the rules in force at the time”. “It was my fault and I apologize unreservedly.”

Event less than ten minutes

Boris Johnson is Britain’s first acting leader to be sanctioned for breaking the law and faces further fines as part of an investigation into “Partygate,” the name of the party scandal in power circles during the containment measures imposed on the pandemic.

The Tory leader is speaking to MPs for the first time since he was fined £50 a week ago for attending this surprise 56th birthday party at 19 minutes,” he said the sanctioning of his wife Carrie and his finance minister Rishi Sunak.

“I respect the conclusions of the police investigation, which is still ongoing,” added the Prime Minister. However, he tried to downplay the importance of the scandal enraging Britons on Tuesday by skipping over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine after a few minutes.

A second wind

“I know that many people are angry and disappointed, and I feel even more committed to respecting British priorities and responding to (Russian President Vladimir) Putin’s barbaric attack on Ukraine.” A time in an ejection seat took place ” BoJo brought a second wind by highlighting his role on the front line of Western sanctions against Russia following the invasion of Ukraine. Many MPs who asked for his departure now feel it is inappropriate for him to be hounded from Downing Street in this connection.

“A lot of the negative comments are from people who used to like it but have changed their minds.”

Sonar James Johnson

Labor opposition leader Keir Starmer said on Tuesday the Conservative leader was “dishonest and unable to change”. Boris Johnson was “a man without shame,” he claimed, urging the Tories to get rid of their leader to restore “decency, honesty and integrity” to British politics. The head of government was also sharply criticized from his own camp. Conservative MP Mark Harper said he was no longer “worthy” to be prime minister.

The soap opera seems far from over. London police, who have already handed out 50 fines, are continuing their investigation and British MPs will debate on Thursday whether Boris Johnson knowingly misled Parliament – tantamount to resigning under the ministerial code of conduct – by repeating that all rules have been followed.


The prime minister, at an unknown date, must also face the conclusions of senior official Sue Gray, who has already squashed “leadership and judgment errors” in a preliminary report. In the local elections on May 5, he also has to face the verdict of the polls. According to the press, Boris Johnson risks new fines for at least five more festive events.

Downing Street was keen to deny this after new details emerged in the Sunday Times describing how he was serving drinks and delivering a speech on the departure of his communications chief on November 13, 2020. According to a study published on Monday, 72% of respondents have given a negative assessment of the prime minister, with the most common term being “liar”.

“The anger hasn’t gone down,” tweeted pollster James Johnson, who conducted the study. “A lot of the negative comments are from people who previously liked it but have changed their minds.”

SEE ALSO – Partygate: Boris Johnson tells MPs he’s ‘sorry’