“There could be connections between this story and Emanuela’s. Esterman knew my sister well, so it seemed right to be here to show solidarity with Cedric’s mother.” According to Pietro Orlandi of Adnkronos, who spoke at the presentation of the book “Sangue in Vaticano” (Rizzoli editions), written by the lawyer Laura Sgrò. “There are no actual connections between the two events – he added – but many of the characters that revolve around them are the same.”
“Cedric had no reason to commit a massacre for what, a medal he had not been awarded? The most absurd thing is that the Vatican press office said that even before the measurements began on site, after just an hour, the culprit was Cedric,” said Laura Sgrò, who this afternoon presented her book at the Feltrinelli – Galleria Esedra bookshop. A Volume written to call for the reopening of the murder case of Swiss Guard Commander Alois Esterman and his wife Gladys: a crime for which Cedric Tornay, the deputy corporal who, according to the official inquest, committed suicide, was arrested immediately after the double murder responsible on May 4, 1998. But 24 years later, Cedric’s family, who have turned to the lawyer Sgrò for help, are asking for the truth.
“I don’t think they ever looked for a real culprit,” the author said in a speech at the meeting, moderated by Corriere della Sera deputy director Fiorenza Sarzanini, for a fourth person. I think it wasn’t just the three, there was a fourth person who then left quietly and undisturbed.
“Why can’t Cedric’s family see the file that was never kept secret? I was told – he continued – that I have no right to have the documents because the file was closed due to insufficient evidence. But then I ask: if it was closed due to insufficient evidence, why is Cedric the culprit?No one has answered me so far.The investigation should be resumed, acknowledging that it was badly done – Sgrò underlined – and waiting to see if it there are other culprits, Cedric could be rehabilitated, which is what matters first.”
“I sent the book to the Holy Father and he replied – explained the author – He sent me a confidential personal letter with great appreciation from me and from Cedric’s family, because in 24 years Francis is the first pope to whom he has replied. I hope this is the first glimmer of light that can help reopen this matter,” concluded Sgrò.