Military support for Bolsonaro News mentioning India Russia and the

Military support for Bolsonaro? News mentioning India, Russia and the Netherlands is false

É wrong that countries have offered military support to Bolsonaro (TERCIO TEIXEIRA/AFP via Getty Images)

It is wrong that countries have offered military support to Bolsonaro (TERCIO TEIXEIRA/AFP via Getty Images)

NOT CORRECT: It is wrong that the Netherlands, India and Russia have recently offered military support to Brazil and the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro (PL), under any pretext. The information was denied to Comprova by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

examined content: Video of about 7 minutes in which a man claiming to be from Portugal reads alleged news from abroad about Brazil. At a certain point in the video he mentions that the Netherlands, India and Russia have offered military support to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

where it was published: Facebook and Tiktok.

Conclusion of Comprova: The governments of Holland, India and Russia have not offered Jair Bolsonaro (PL) any military support. The false statement appears in a video in which a man identified himself as a supporter of the Brazilian president residing in Portugal. According to him, the information about the alleged support would be public.

Searching the internet, there is no evidence to support the claim, be it news or even official notes on government websites of the countries cited by the author of the disinformation.

Comprova also contacted the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We wonder if the Ministry has contacted these three countries (Netherlands, India and Russia) to offer military support to Brazil and Bolsonaro. According to Itamaraty, “the allegation is unfounded.”

False for Comprova is content that has been invented or edited to alter its original meaning and that has been intentionally disseminated to spread an untruth.

range of publication: As of November 23, the video had 443,000 views, 6,100 comments and 54,000 reactions on Facebook. On TikTok there were 690.3 thousand views, 3,132 comments and 68.5 thousand likes.

What the person responsible for publication says: Comprova found the social media profiles of the author of the videos. He has two accounts on TikTok. One identifies as Ronin and the other as Dudas, the same name that appears on the Instagram account. Contact via message is not possible in either network. There is also a YouTube account.

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The same videos are published on all three platforms. The pictures show the man reading and commenting on alleged international news about Brazil on unknown websites. Most of the videos contain misinformation, some of which has already been verified by Comprova, such as a report of a live Argentine conversation lying about the election process.

How do we check: The first step was to search the video’s statement on Google, as the person responsible for the content indicated that such an offer of military support would be public. The search returned no results. If you search for the terms “Russia” and “military”, you will find connections to the war in Ukraine.

Searching the official websites of the governments of the Netherlands, India and Russia, we also found no news about the military and Brazil. Incidentally, on the Russian website, the most recent post related to Brazil is an October 27 interview with President Vladimir Putin ahead of Brazil’s second round of elections. In the conversation, Putin says the Russians have “a good relationship with Mr. [Luiz Inácio] lula [da Silva] and a good relationship with Mr. [Jair] Bolsonaro”. “We don’t interfere in their domestic politics, that’s the most important thing,” Putin says in the text.

Countries recognized Lula’s victory

The three countries mentioned by the video’s author have recognized Lula’s victory in the presidential elections in Brazil. Comprova recently showed that the Netherlands had done so, refuting another misinformation claiming otherwise. But Uol showed that India also recognizes Lula’s victory. And Poder360 pointed out that the leader of Russia did the same.

why are we investigating: Comprova is investigating suspicious content going viral on social media about the pandemic and federal government public policies and posts questioning the outcome of the presidential election. Releases like the one verified here pose a threat to democracy by fueling couplike acts nationwide and potentially disrupting our democratic system.

More checks on the subject: Comprova has already shown that it is wrong that voters’ votes were revealed by decoding the ballot box system and that the election result is not analyzed by the judiciary according to a report by the armed forces.