When everything seemed to be moving towards a peaceful solution, Otto (Romulo Estrela) found himself in a sticky situation due to his dangerous involvement in Moretti (Rodrigo Lombardi) in Crossingand all of this will come back like a cannon in the next few chapters of the nine o’clock soap opera, especially after stenio (Alexandre Nero) gives the hacker his opinion and practically an order who decides to obey Hi (Giovanna Antonelli) and join the police force.
The decision is ambiguous and must do everything right, just as everything can go wrong. The unknowns become even more difficult at this stage of the series, but Oto will remain focused on his relationship with Brisa (Lucy Alves), even signing a request to end the relationship.
Oto remains threatened by Moretti. Photo: Reproduction/Globo Oto remains threatened by Moretti. Photo: Reproduction/Globo
Pursued by Moretti, Oto had very clear options, but he is being pressured by Helô to open a police report against the businessman, as that would be the best way to have legal support in the event of a fulminant attack by the villain who, shall we say when, in passing, he runs over an innocent man who is convinced that he is taking the hacker’s life.
As you’d expect, Moretti is disgusted when he’s called for a statement to the police and begins a hunt to get Oto’s head at any cost. However, Helô will already be ready to catch the bandit in the act. What will happen after that?