He cant take his eyes off the cell phone screens

He can’t take his eyes off the cell phone screens

Apr 20, 2022 10:54 am

Managers had to set up a buffer zone to keep visitors out. The alarm was triggered when the animal failed to notice a rival’s attack because it was looking at a cell phone

zone buffer

The gorilla was overly distracted by those who approached him with smartphones to take pictures and then showed him photos and videos on the screen. Visitors can now see him from afar, rather than through a glass wall, which allowed the animal to conveniently look at the phones, have their picture taken, and then see the selfies taken with him, which guests were happy to show him.


“Bullying” risk

The officials’ concern was that the gorilla could be “bullied” by its companions because of its particular sensitivity to screens, photos, videos. Zoo director Stephen Ross expressed his concerns about amare to the ChicagoSun Times, stating that the gorilla would be better off spending more time with its companions. “We must behave with animals in the same way as we do with our children he said do not allow them to watch television all day, but encourage them to go out and interact with their friends.”

Danger in the development of the animal

The zoo’s managers explained that this anomalous “passion” of Amare prevented him from living out his growth and development period normally in preadult years when the male gorillas learn to interact with their companions through games, fights and competitions. The public was then urged to work together to ensure balanced life and development for Amare.

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