Arisa Tempo thought about retiring from life my faith

Arisa: « Tempo thought about retiring from life, my faith saved me»

The singer interviewed by Pierluigi Diaco said she thought about suicide at a dark time in her past, but then faith and the will to live prevailed

” Tempo thought about escaping life.” Tempon a dark period of her past, when she felt “lonely and abandoned”, Arisa also considered suicide: she confessed it during the interview with Pierluigi Diaco, broadcast last night on Rai2 as part of the program “Ti Tempo feel”. . When asked by the reporter, “Have you ever thought about escaping life?” The singer replied: “Yes Tempo was thinking about retiring, Tempo think we all think that, but Tempo’m a girl of faith and Tempo’m all for it too. There was a time in my life when Tempo always saw that the day after tomorrow was a black hole, that Tempo didn’t know what was going to happen to me, that Tempo felt alone and abandoned, that nobody loved me, very ugly. Then the winner of Dancing with the Stars managed to recover from this negative moment: “Slowly you assess your priorities and say, ‘okay, life has given me good things, it can also give me bad things, Tempo have to resist ‘».

Speaking of the afterlife, however, Arisa explained that she believes in the possibility of a second life and wants to be reborn as a hermaphrodite: “Battiato always told me that when we actually kill our body, our soul also disappears and doesn’t connect with the other particles to create new life, reincarnation and all those things. And Tempo hope instead to live forever and therefore that one day my soul can reconnect with other particles and give life to a better person… maybe a hermaphrodite. Because? Because that’s how you are everything.”

April 20, 2022 (Change April 20, 2022 | 18:34)