Tesla wants to produce a robotaxi without wheels and pedals

Tesla wants to produce a robotaxi without wheels and pedals by 2024

  • In Tesla’s Q1 earnings call, CEO Elon Musk said the company is targeting 2024 to produce a robotaxi.
  • Musk said the vehicle won’t have a steering wheel or pedals because it’s “optimized for autonomy.”
  • Tesla is on track to mass produce the Cybertruck in 2023 and is expected to produce more than 1.5 million cars this year, he added.

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Tesla is working on a vehicle that will have no steering wheel or pedals and is targeting 2024 for “volume production.”

During the company’s Q1 earnings call on Wednesday, CEO Elon Musk shared details about the “dedicated robotaxi.”

“It’s fundamentally optimized to take into account the lowest fully accounted cost per mile, cost per kilometer and everything,” he said. “I think this is really going to be a massive driver for Tesla’s growth.”

He attributed the lack of a steering wheel and pedals to the fact that it will be “highly optimized for autonomy”.

When asked for more details about the robotaxi during the earnings call, Musk said Tesla may intend to hold an event next year to go into more detail, but declined to comment further.

He alluded to the robotaxi at Tesla’s Texas Gigafactory Cyber ​​Rodeo earlier this month, saying it would look “futuristic.”

Also on the conference call, Musk said that Tesla is on track to achieve mass production of the Cybertruck in 2023. It seems likely that the company will produce more than 1.5 million vehicles this year, he added, a 60% increase from last year. Year.

Musk also doubled down on his comments from Tesla’s most recent conference call about the importance he attaches to a humanoid robot the company is developing called Optimus.

“Optimus will ultimately be worth more than the auto business, worth more than FSD,” he said.