Venezuelan government orders arrest of elderly woman who recorded humorous

The Venezuelan government is ordering the arrest of an elderly woman who recorded a humorous video quoting Chavistas

the government of Venezuela ordered the arrest of an elderly woman after she quoted supporters of Chavismo and President Nicolás Maduro in a humorous video. Olga Lucila Mata de Gil, 72, has been accused of “promoting or inciting hatred” through the recording, which was posted on TikTok.

In the video, Olga is making an arepa (traditional bread in parts of Latin America), and a voice in the background asks what’s wrong with that.

The older woman responds by naming government supporters and Chavismo historical figures such as Tarek William Saab, Diosdado Cabello, Iris Varela and Cilia Flores, as well as Maduro and Hugo Chávez.

After the video was published, Maduro’s Attorney General Saab announced on Twitter the arrest of Olga and her son Florencio Gil Mata, who are in charge of a terrorismrelated case, according to the Infobae portal.

*VENEZUELA IS FIXED* La Ms. featured in the video is Olga Mata de Gil, 72 years old. Woman. The person in question was arrested by the CICPC today for making this funny video. Woman. GIL forest. He surrendered to the CICPC fearing for the life of his son, who was taken from him

— #MeSiguesTeSigo Union and Ayuda Militar Humanitaria. (@TiarVenezuela) April 17, 2022

According to prosecutors, during the video showing the elderly woman cooking a loaf of bread, Olga and Florencio “instigated the murder of public figures.”

On the social network TikTok, Olga has 157,000 followers and 764,400 likes. The most famous older woman video has more than 4 million views.