Domenica In, Mara Venier overwhelmed before the live broadcast. “It’s finally here”

Domenica In Mara Venier overwhelmed before the live broadcast Its

Bad bad news last night Sunday In. In the house of Mara Venier Finally she came covid: the husband of the presenter of Rai 1 Nicholas Carraro tested positive for the coronavirus and Zia Mara’s concern is linked to health issues lung had heard of the 8-year-old in the past, who actually belongs to the so-called “fragile” risk group.

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The new fight was announced by Venier herself, who shared the photo sent to her by Santo Domingo’s Carraro on her Instagram page, where the entrepreneur is currently on and where she discovered that she was positive. Venier’s husband smiles and shows his strength, also to calm Mara, who is overcome with understandable fear. “My love, it was us super careful in these two years, but now Covid has arrived in Santo Domingo. They sent me this photo to reassure me that I know. I want to be close to you, come on my love. I love you”.

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For his part, Carraro himself confirmed: “Well, although I was super careful, I caught Covid, but come on I’m doing well Just a big cold lift your hearts up and now I’m looking at my wife.” After Carraro, as hinted at by the same Domenica In presenter, there is such a luminary as Professor Francesco Le Fochedistinguished immunologist.