José (Sergio Guizé) has been waiting for a long time, but in Mar do Sertão he will finally show all his hatred. Outraged at being betrayed, the protagonist will thrash Márcio Castro (Gabriel Godoy) in Globo’s six o’clock soap opera. The problem is that the fight will turn against him because the attorney will be filing a charge of attempted murder. To make matters worse, Manduca (Enzo Diniz) witnesses his father’s anger and becomes scared.
Unaccustomed to explosive scenes Tertulinho (Renato Góes), the boy’s adoptive father has always been adept at cynicism the little one will be so amazed that he will decide to distance himself from the former cowboy in Mario Teixeira’s series. The child’s withdrawal will hit Joseph hard, who will have lost much by then. The house, the company, the belongings and, in a way, the dazzling passion of Candoca (Isadora Cruz) will all have gone up in smoke.
But nothing will have hurt Maruan’s partner (Pedro Lamin) more than the betrayal of his allies. He will even ask Laura (Eli Ferreira) to explain why she acted against him. Until then, the character of Sergio Guizé will have no idea about the affair between the executive and Tertulinho. Incidentally, he only discovered the betrayal because Xaviera (Giovana Cordeiro) suspected the foreign lawyer, broke into his room and stole documents proving his fraud.
Márcio Castro’s cynicism will torment the protagonist and the lawyer’s mockery when confronted with it will drive the good guy insane. There he will use violence, hit his rival and end up in court with a dirty name. The act, however, will only be the beginning of a great struggle.
Things get even worse in Canta Pedra when Tertulinho decides to evict José from his land at gunpoint. Candoca’s fiancé will be outraged and decide to declare war. For this he gets the help of Joel (Matteus Cardoso), the only employee of the Palmeiral farm, who will refuse to shoot his former colleague. The milkman loses his job as a result, but assumes a position of trust in the entrepreneur’s strategies.
Márcio will file a complaint against José
chapter summaries
Monday, 5.12. (Chapter 91)
The colonel asks Tertulinho to keep his awakening a secret. Candoca suspects that Ismênia knows something about the colonel’s condition. Márcio claims not to understand his sudden passion for Cira. José sees Candoca pass Tertulinho.
Deodora enlists Catão’s help to take action against Candoca. José assures Tereza and Timbó that he will fight for the lands that belonged to Dahomey. Quintilha rehires Xaviera. The Colonel discovers his cell phone has been stolen. Tertulinho catches Deodora at Pajeú’s house.
Tuesday, December 6th (Chapter 92)
Tertulinho confronts Pajeú, but Deodora manages to escape the bust. Xaviera collects important documents from Márcio without Cira noticing. Mirinho discovers that the Colonel’s cell phone is with Sabá. José and Candoca thank Xaviera for revealing Márcio’s character.
Xaviera warns Cira about a possible wife of Márcio. José questions Laura about the reason for her betrayal. Jessilaine tells Sabá and Nivalda that she will return the cell phone to Colonel Tertúlio. Cirino surprises Deodora at her house. Jose is looking for Marcio.
Wednesday, December 7th (Chapter 93)
José attacks Márcio and Candoca prevents the worst. Xaviera threatens Laura. Márcio calls Floro Borromeu and tries to accuse José of attempted murder. Manduca is afraid of José’s anger. Cirino offers to take Deodora to the farm and the two reunite with Pajeú and Tertulinho.
Márcio wakes up from his trance and doesn’t understand Cira’s presence in his room. Ismênia realizes that Cirino has a fever and Tertulinho takes care of the boy. Tertulinho questions Deodora about how she returned home with Cirino.
Thursday, December 8th (Chapter 94)
Tertulinho concludes that Deodora has become involved with Pajeú. Cirino sees the Colonel awake, but the two strike a nondisclosure agreement. Tertulinho prevents Deodora from approaching Pajeú. Candoca suspects José’s behavior. Accompanied by Maruan, José retrieves his belongings from the house now occupied by Laura.
Márcio provokes Candoca by asking the doctor to write a report on José’s aggression, but she refuses. Joel notices the construction of a tent on the Dahomey land and warns Tertulinho. Tomás asks Rosinha to marry Timbó and Tereza. Tertulinho tells José to leave the Dahomey lands.
Friday, December 9th (Chapter 95)
Tertulinho orders the Jagunços to shoot Jose and Joel loses his job for refusing to threaten his friend. Jose and Joel reunite. Firmino is disturbed by Lorena’s presence. Tertulinho questions Deodora about Pajeú. Candoca is suspicious of Pajeú’s feelings for Deodora.
The Colonel wakes up to Deodora and confronts her. In the end, Tomás blurts out to Rosinha about Maruan’s financial help. Firmino releases Vespertino from prison. Colonel locks Deodora in her room. Pajeú tells José that he works for Deodora, and José tells Joel to go to war.
Saturday, December 10th (Chapter 96)
Joel claims to be on José’s side. Tertulinho asks the Colonel to let Deodora out of her room. Feeling betrayed by Tomás, Rosinha asks the boy to return all the money donated by Maruan. Manduca is upset by the quarrel between the adults in the family and Candoca comforts his son. Dagmar encourages Lorena to believe in herself more. Cira suggests that Anita visit the infamous Alva. Joel stays at Quintilha’s inn. Tertulinho plans with Mirinho to attach José Candoca.
The chapters of Mar do Sertão are provided by Globo and are subject to change without notice.
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