Hear on TV who won between the album Tu si Que Vales and Argentina Australia

A special Saturday night was December 3rd with a Rai prime time revolutionized by the World Cup bringing the airing of Dancing with the Stars forward by one day. Thus, the Argentina-Australia game dominated prime time on national television with 6,679,000 viewers, a 33% share, beating Canale 5, which broadcasts the best moments of Tu si Que Vales in front of 3,048,000 equal viewers with a Proposed share of 22.6%.

The ratings of Saturday 3 December

On Rai 1, Il Circolo dei Mondiali, broadcast from 22.06 to 22.59, attracted 2,198,000 viewers with a share of 12.7%. On Rai2, Blue Bloods was watched by 1,040,000 viewers (5.7%). On Italy 1, Kung Fu Panda 2 entertained 869,000 viewers (4.7%). On Rai3, Sei Pezzi Facili gathered 773,000 viewers in front of the video, accounting for a 4.7% share. On Rete4, La Fraud has a total of 721,000 viewers with a 4.2% share. On La7, Eden – A Planet to Save drew 421,000 viewers with a 2.7% share. On TV8, A Prince Under the Tree gathered 757,000 viewers with 4.3%. On Nine Whitney Houston garnered 292,000 viewers and 1.8% market share. Rai 4 Above Suspicion has 271,000 viewers with a 1.5% share and Rai Movie Put your grandmother in the Freezer is the choice of 303,000 viewers with a 1.6% share. On Iris Frantic he has a 2.2% share with 385,000 viewers and on Top Crime Poirot has 322,000 viewers (1.7%).