FPÖ Schnedlitz: “SPÖ Ludwig appearance at press time simply embarrassing” | Liberal Parliamentary Club

Vienna (OTS) – “It is significant not only for the Viennese SPÖ, but for the general state of the party, when the Mayor of the Viennese SPÖ Ludwig at the ORF press hour on migration issues in a four-year-old and just four pages strong ‘Migration Paper’, saying this is a great and unique achievement. Ludwig does not see mass immigration as a crisis, but as a challenge and an opportunity for the job market. The only challenge at this time of the press is probably not fall asleep,” reacted Liberal NAbg Secretary General Michael Schnedlitz.

“This all sounds more like a rearguard action of a bankrupt SPÖ policy, where one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing. What the red mayor of Vienna is saying here can only be described as meaningless and without concept . Either you are not responsible or the federal government is to blame. You would like to have a say in the government, but of course you have no suggestions,” says Schnedlitz.

“The departure of the SPÖ from Löwelstraße shows not only the financial bankruptcy in connection with the SPÖ. It can be summarized briefly: SPÖ is no different from ÖVP. Namely in all the areas where it has something to say – but above all on the issues of illegal immigration and the explosion of prices, it has also failed”, continued Schnedlitz.

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