Aboard an armored vehicle, several legionnaires from a unit dubbed “Freedom of Russia” (“Freedom to Russia”) transport a handful of journalists to what they imagine to be a command post two kilometers from the frontline around Bachmout. in the Donetsk region. A ride under maximum security: “The Russian secret services are doing everything they can to track us down,” launches one of the legionnaires at the front of the vehicle, completely masked, in the LCI report that can be found at the top of the article. And with good reason, these Russian soldiers left their battalions to join those of Ukraine.
This division, which now reports to Kyiv, has around 500 fighters fighting Russian forces in the Bakhmout region, where Moscow has been stepping up its offensives in recent days. These include former soldiers who deserted at the beginning of the conflict, but also Russian exiles who join out of outrage. “They (the Russians) are the ones who invaded Ukraine, they are the enemies. I was in Boutcha and Irpin, I saw everything they did there,” enthuses Tihiy, referring to places in the Kyiv region where the Russian army is accused of abuse.