A vet reveals to the masters what her dog is feeling at the time of death, it’s heartbreaking!
On other occasions, however, veterinarians may be confronted with it the most devastating experiencehaving to help a dog finally fall asleep so it doesn’t suffer anymore.
It is inevitable that the loss of a loved one will leave us devastated, and even more so when it comes to our pet who is much more than an animal, they become a member of the family.
The pain of their loss can be compared to the death of a family member as we develop a truly unbreakable love bond with them.
It can be difficult to imagine life without our canine friends, but what few people know is that the most painful moment is experienced by the dogs themselves just before they diedand what is going through their minds and hearts at this moment would move anyone to tears.
A vet has revealed how dogs feel before they close their eyes forever. An American veterinarian’s account of what goes on in the mind Dogs when they are supposed to be euthanized forever to save them so much suffering has happened all over the world.
Jessi Dietrich, a young woman from Knoxville, Tennessee, asked the vet what was the hardest part of his job, and he said it was definitely putting a dog to sleep.
When It’s time to put the dog to sleepmost owners cannot bear to be in the same room, so the animal is left alone with the veterinary team when it dies.
It’s really devastating in the last moments of his life The dog is desperately trying to find his masters with his eyes, but they are not there to comfort him.
The vet’s stark revelations broke the hearts of millions on social media after going viral on Twitter, garnering over 40,000 retweets and over 140,000 likes.
The tweet reached several staff at Hillcrest Veterinary Hospital in South Africa. That’s why hospital staff posted a message on their Facebook page, sharing some tips for dealing with a dog’s tragic death:
“Most of the time, when you have a pet, it’s inevitable that it will die before you do. So if you need to get your pet to the vet for a pain free end, I want you to know something…”
“You’ve been the center of her world her whole life. They were a part of you, but they knew you like family. Please don’t leave her alone. Don’t let them go through life and death in a room with strangers, in a place they don’t like,” the hospital statement said.
In this video you can see in more detail what dogs feel before they die:
In these painful times, we must give all the support we need to those we spoil, at least in just retribution for so many years of loyalty and love by our side.
Seeing and feeling us will be the best balm for them for a sweet start after so many years together. Saying goodbye to them and comforting them until their last breath is the best tribute we can pay them.
We will be on their mind and they will seek our face until they reach the stars.
While this vet’s viral post brought tears to many owners, it cleared many doubts as to what Dogs are actually feeling this difficult time.
It’s really touching, the love of these faithful beings surpasses everything, don’t leave her alone