“I can’t say the same.” The host’s reaction

Today, Sunday, December 4th, the 12th episode of Domenica In was broadcast with reduced airtime. Mara Venier’s program was broadcast in a short format because of the World Cup in Qatar, a cut that did not, however, affect the gaffes of the Rai guests 1, which went viral in the blink of an eye.


Domenica In, the guests of tonight’s episode of Mara Venier: schedule and previews

Domenica in, slip by Claudio Bisio with Mara Venier

This time the protagonist of the gag is Claudio Bisio, who involuntarily made a mistake. The actress, guest of the show, loved showing up in Zia Mara’s living room with a panettone brought straight from Milan, which she happily accepted to show that she’s super greedy. Then, in the rain, a series of compliments from the landlady for Zelig’s star actor: “Claudio! I see you in good shape, thin, shiny, snappy…». Praise to which the actor did not respond with elegance: «I can’t say that…». This time, Bisio’s sarcasm really turned against him, and Mara chose not to reply.

Very true, all guests of today’s December 4th in Silvia Toffanin’s living room: the previews


But a moment later, the presenter took revenge, as expected. When watching Bisio’s videos as a young man, Venier exclaimed, “You’ve never had hair!”. The game ends in a draw again, but now it’s time for the World Cup on Rai, the final whistle for Domenica.