1670342615 Chinas highly political homage to Jiang Zemin

China’s highly political homage to Jiang Zemin

The body of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin arrives in Beijing on a special flight from Shanghai on December 1, 2022. The body of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin arrives in Beijing on a special flight from Shanghai on December 1, 2022. LI XUEREN v AP

It is more than a simple eulogy, it is a real political speech that Xi Jinping delivered on Tuesday, December 6th in honor of the Communist Party, Jiang Zemin, Secretary of the CCP from June 1989 to November 2002 and President of the Communist Party, paid tribute to the Republic from March 1993 to March 2003 and Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission from November 1989 to September 2004. Jiang Zemin died in Shanghai on November 30 at the age of 96. He was buried on December 5 at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in western Beijing.

Also Read: Article Reserved for Our Subscribers Jiang Zemin, Former President of the People’s Republic of China, is Dead

Speaking at the People’s Palace in front of thousands of communist officials, all wearing an anti-Covid mask or even two, Xi Jinping praised this “outstanding leader” who “resolutely” opposed the “serious political unrest that had broken out.” got land around the turn of spring/summer 1989″. The then-Chairman of the Shanghai Party, Jiang Zemin, was indeed chosen by Deng Xiaoping in June 1989 to restore order after the Tiananmen Square student massacre, but also to modernize the economy.

Jiang Zemin led the crackdown on student protesters after 1989, and ten years later he also cracked down on the Falun Gong movement in earnest. But it also led to China joining the World Trade Organization. Xi Jinping said the word “opening” about ten times in fifty minutes. But while Jiang Zemin had brought China closer to the United States, Xi Jinping called on the CCP to “walk hand in hand with all the progressive forces in the world” and “promote a new kind of international relations.”

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suspension of financial markets

As a sign that the party directs all activities in China, not only sirens blared across the country at the start of the honoring ceremony at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, but the financial markets of Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong also blared, just as online video games interrupted theirs activity for three minutes. Since the death was announced on November 30th and until December 7th, almost all Chinese Internet portals, including McDonald’s, are black.

Jiang Zemin’s death sparked a lot of comments on Chinese social media. In a thinly veiled critique of Xi Jinping, many netizens paid tribute to this leader, who spoke Russian and English and gave the Chinese access to Japanese manga and James Cameron’s film Titanic. “Jiang was outgoing, humble and funny. He accepted criticism of himself and the administration. You could throw jokes at him over dinner without fear of being arrested in the night,” wrote one user. But another calls for these praises to be put into perspective. “Don’t you remember the massive job cuts in the 1990s? It is pathetic that our impressions of Jiang have turned positive just because Xi’s leadership is even worse. »