Parliamentary delegation travels to Kyiv without FPO

Parliamentary delegation travels to Kyiv without FPÖ

SPÖ urges Foreign Minister Schallenberg to mediate the war in Ukraine in a resolution motion.

In the Foreign Affairs Committee, SPÖ MP Harald Troch asked Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg in a resolution motion on Tuesday to campaign for a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia in the EU, UN and also bilaterally in order to pave the way for a negotiated solution. On Wednesday he leaves for Ukraine together with deputies Helmut Brandstätter (Neos), Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic (Greens) and Wolfgang Gerstl (ÖVP). Like all members of the parliamentary group from Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus, the FPÖ representatives were invited. But they showed no interest.

The representatives will travel to Kyiv by overnight train to meet, among other things, the Ukrainian Minister of European Affairs. Troch will then begin his return journey while the rest of the delegation, accompanied by Austrian Ambassador Arad Benko, will travel to Poltava and Kharkiv. The trip will have a humanitarian focus.

Animal Eye Packs

The Ukrainian embassy in Vienna increased security measures after a package with two cut-out animal eyes arrived in the mail on Friday. “We suspect that Russia is behind the action. They want to intimidate us. But we won’t let ourselves be broken,” the press said. Similar postal items with animal eyes were received by more than 20 Ukrainian missions, including consulates, in a total of 14 countries, from Spain to Hungary. These bloody packages also reached embassies in Romania and Denmark on Tuesday.