Men and women Isabella Ricci destroys Gemma Galgani

Men and women, Isabella Ricci destroys Gemma Galgani

Soon some… orange blossoms for men and women will bloom! Isabella Ricc and Fabio Mantovanimet right on the dating show from Maria DeFilippi They decided to get married soon. It took the former dame and former knight of the throne just a few weeks to understand that they were madly in love with each other. After the program, their relationship has grown so much every day that they are about to get married.

The ceremony will take place in Pescantina, in the province of Verona, where he lives Fabio is that Isabella he loved it from day one. It will be very intimate, family and few friends. Obviously, the ex-knight’s children will not be missing, the guys immediately welcomed the woman and, as she told herself, they get along very well.

Recently the Curls gave an interview to the weekly newspaper Nuovo, in which she not only revealed some details about the marriage, but also missed a few scathing jokes against her Gemma Galganihis bitter rival.

As reported by, the former lady was asked if the attacks by the Galgani had done her some good as she had managed to find love in contrast jewel. Lapidary the answer from Isabella Ricc:

Gemma needs to be there to remind you of everything you don’t want to be: that’s the purpose of her presence on the program. She has been looking for love for years and I honestly don’t know what advice to give her without being rude.

In short, although she left the transmission, despite the love that knocked on her door, the ex-lady certainly does not send her to say it jewel. During the interview, she added that she treats her attitudes as if she were a child.

To me she acts like a child as her heart skips a beat after a minute of meeting an admirer. He should learn to manage his emotions better.