Russia fire in Tver at the institute developing rockets dead

Russia, fire in Tver at the institute developing rockets: dead and wounded


There are countries that have sent only defense gear – like Austria and Ireland – and others that have also opted for combat gear, like the United States and Italy. For example, surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank weapons and machine guns were shipped from Rome. No help from Hungary, which also prohibits the transit of foreign envelopes on its territory

Western countries’ support forUkraine it cannot pass as offensive military action. It would mean going straight to war with Russia. However, since Moscow troops marched in on February 24, many states have included expenditure items in their budgets to provide for them military aid in Kyiv. Some, like Italy, have donated both offensive and defensive supplies, and those, like Ireland and Austria, are currently limiting themselves to sending only protective equipment such as bulletproof vests and helmets.

The United States has given Kyiv $2 billion in military aid. Nine hundred million from the European Union

The list of donated weaponsItaly is classified. However, it is known that Rome sent Stinger surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank weapons, mortars, heavy and light machine guns, Browning guns, helmets and vests to Kyiv.