3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Fears Will Come True On

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Fears Will Come True On April 22, 2022 During Lunar Trine Mercury

What do you fear about love and romance? I’ve learned that most people fear the same things: being rejected, being unlovable, and not being loved as much as you love the other person.

While there are many other anxious items on this checklist, these seem to be the top three, and they play on so many ingrained terrors – some of which develop in childhood.

For those who insist that there is “no fear in love,” I would suggest that they stop citing self-help books and face reality. Is there fear in love?

If it’s human love then hell yes, there sure is fear. Let’s get real folks. Being human means being afraid of many, many things, and love is certainly not neglected here.

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On April 22, 2022 many of us will face some of these fears and our love lives may improve or diminish as a result of how much fear we allow to rule our world.

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And while it may seem like a choice whether or not to be afraid in love, it’s not a choice we can easily evade. Deep-rooted fears are real, and they can either help us move this machine to a better place, or they can act as a deterrent that keeps us further and further from love itself.

Our guiding planets today are Moon sextile Venus, Moon trine Mercury, Moon sextile Neptune, Moon sextile Jupiter and Moon conjunction Pluto, and the latter brings out the fears in us.

Normally the Jupiter transit would be helpful in this case, but today it only helps to increase our feelings of fear or anxiety. And if we fear the consequences of love, then some of us today will manifest those fears as reality.

Virgo, Libra and Capricorn are the 3 zodiac signs whose love feuds come true on April 22, 2022.

1. Virgo

(23 August – 22 September)

Whatever fears you may have had about love in the past, they never really went away. You still fear rejection and still think that all the bad things that happen are your fault. You’ve suffered from low self-esteem for most of your life and although you’re currently in a committed relationship, you wouldn’t be surprised if your partner either cheated on you or just left you thinking you were just ‘too much’.

It’s all in your head, Virgo, and in a way, today is the day you’re going to start looking for excuses to hate yourself. It’s just one of those days and this Pluto transit isn’t doing you any good; you either want to fight or feel sorry for yourself.

At a deep level, you don’t trust the idea that your partner will be faithful to you, so you spend a lot of time waiting for the shoe to drop. They are not and will not leave you, Virgo – relax.

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2. Libra

(September 23 – October 22)

One of the reasons you’ve become such a Libra is because you fear they don’t like you, and that attitude has carried over into your love life. You ended up with romantic partners who don’t appreciate who you are because you only showed them that you were there for them; you gave yourself so little affection and sacrificed yourself for others.

While this may sound altruistic, what’s really going on is that you’ve made a lifestyle out of pleasing others, and in the long run you’re showing the world that you barely exist; that you have no needs, that you are not important enough for anyone to take care of you.

You have manifested this role as a caring person, but you never stop caring for yourself. The lunar sextile Venus brings this to light and makes you realize that if you want to find true love, you had better start by loving yourself.

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3. Capricorn

(December 22 – January 19)

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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