Alfonso Signorini doesn’t want to be seen as the rude guy who called off a wedding at the last moment, where he was expected to be best man, among other things. Therefore, a few days after the happy event, the moderator and head of the weekly Chi decided to clearly explain the situation and the reasons for the absence, which was also highlighted by his name on the wedding invitations.
“I want to get serious, I didn’t respond to the controversy. Yesterday I found myself on the internet as the one who blows up weddings,” he began to address the subject during the Casa Chi social format: “I haven’t blown up every wedding and Francesca and Alessandro know it I had said yes to my role as best man, but 15 days before the wedding I gave her a warning because I had an unavoidable professional obstacle. If they didn’t have time to take my name off, I’m not aware”.
Francesca Cipriani is getting married, the request to the guests: “Upload our Iban”
Signorini is replaced by Giucas Casella
Giucas Casella took over Signorini’s place as best man at Francesca Cipriani’s wedding and the journalist also wanted to clarify the story on this point: “They had time to organize themselves. Giucas Casella was not a stopgap,” he said. And again: “I know the rules of good manners and it would never have occurred to me to give up something so important, I know the basics. The problems are different but I would have loved to go, also because I like hanging out with them Ex by GF Vip. It was a pain not to go, but I do many things in life and didn’t want to be seen as rude.
Wedding of Francesca Cipriani
Francesca Cipriani preferred not to say anything about the incident and fully enjoyed the day celebrating her love for entrepreneur Alessandro Rossi. The ceremony took place in Rome at the Basilica of San Bartolomeo on Tiber Island, followed by celebrations at a castle on the outskirts of the capital. Many VIPs are present, many of them former Big Brother competitors: from Alex Belli and Delia Duran to Guenda Goria and Mirko Gancitano, from the Selassié sisters to Sophie Codegoni, from Raffaella Fico to Aldo Montano and Enzo Paolo Turchi with Carmen Russo, this one last protagonist of a fall during the ritual in the church that went viral on the web.