MINUTE BY MINUTE Russia takes control of Mariupol MVS News

MINUTE BY MINUTE: Russia takes control of Mariupol! MVS News

That war in Ukraine will be 57 days and that this Thursday Latvia accused Russia to commit genocide against the Ukrainian people. Here we leave that to you minute by minute with the most relevant.

Latvia’s parliament called on the Euro-Atlantic community and its partners to “urgently” impose “comprehensive” sanctions on Russia.

*Related information: Donbass, the heart of the war in Ukraine

Ukraine says Russia is unable to capture Azovstal

2.30: The Russians are “physically unable” to take the steelworks Azovstalinside the besieged city Mariupolwhere Ukrainian soldiers resist and civilians seek refuge.

Oleksiy Arestovychthe Ukrainian adviser believes that Russian troops were certainly stationed in the north to improve positions Russia.

Russia sanctions 61 Canadian citizens

14:00 clock: Russia announced individual sanctions against 61 Canadian citizens, ranging from high-ranking officials to the military, businessmen, experts and journalists, in retaliation for “russophobic” policies.

The list includes Cameron Ahmad, communications director to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; his advisor Jeremy Broadhurst; or the chief of intelligence, David Vigneault.

The US is providing more military aid to Ukraine

1:00 pm.: The President of USA, Joe Bidenannounces another $800 million (more than €735.6 million) aid package aimed at providing more military aid Ukraine.

As explained biden Apparently, the amount is aimed at increasing the capacity of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to fight in the east of the country in the region Donbass.

Ukraine exchanges prisoners with Russia

12:30 pm.: The government of Ukraine announced another exchange of prisoners Russiain which 19 Ukrainians were released, 10 of whom were soldiers and the rest were civilians.

Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vershchuk announced the “release” of these citizens.

Zelenskyy estimates that 120,000 civilians are “trapped” in Mariupol

12:00 o’clock: The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyypointed out that 120,000 civilians are “trapped” in the city of Mariupol, where the situation is “difficult”.

Zelenskyi added that about 2,000 soldiers are in the city and 400 of them are wounded.

Moscow takes control of Mariupol

11:00 o’clock.: Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu assured that his armed forces had taken control of the Ukrainian city Mariupol.

He also reported that there was resistance at the steel mill Azovstalwhose attack was called off by the President Wladimir Putin.

Mass grave found in Mariupol

10:00 a.m.: The mayor of Mariupol, Vadim Boychenkoreported the discovery of a new mass grave about 30 meters long, probably dug by Russian troops.

Boychenko pointed out that there is information that “all these crimes that have occurred in the city Mariupol and that they have evidence of war crimes, of genocide”.

Latvia accuses Russia of genocide across Ukraine

09:00 Latvia passed a resolution on Thursday accusing Russia of committing “genocide” against the Ukrainian people.

Latvia calls for “collecting and investigating evidence of war crimes by Russia across Ukraine”.

Moscow destroys Ukrainian targets

8:00 a.m.: Russia reported that they destroyed 1,001 military targets of Ukrainian forces in a series of attacks carried out over the past day.

Department of Defense spokesman Igor Konashenkovstated that among the targets hit are 58 command posts.

Russia fines Google

07:00: The Russian judiciary has fined Google 4 million rubles for allegedly spreading “false information” about the war in Ukraine.

A District Court of Taganskyin Moscowannounced the imposition of the fine, which was based on data on the alleged losses of the Russian army after the invasion.

NATO wants to weaken Russia

6:30 a.m: The Foreign Minister of Turkey, Mevlut Cavusoglustated that “some countries of the NatoThey want the war to continue Ukraine keep it up Russia “weaknesses”.

Turkey reiterates its readiness to host a meeting between Presidents of Ukraine and Russia Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Vladimir Putin.

Putin calls off the Mariupol offensive

06:00 a.m: The President of Russia, Vladimir Putinorders to suspend the offensive MariupolCity surrounded and attacked by Russian forces and Ukrainian separatists.

“I consider the order to break into the industrial zone inappropriate and order it to be lifted,” he said. Putin.

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