I hope someone comes in and rejects me

“I hope someone comes in and rejects me”

arrived at80th day Inside the Casa del Grande Fratello Vip there is a dynamism that primarily arouses the curiosity of the public and the tenants themselves. It is about the ambivalent relationship between Antonino spinal broom and Oriana Marzoli.

Although the hairdresser repeated during Monday night’s appointment that he wanted to distance himself from the Venezuelan, he still didn’t miss the opportunity to spend a few moments in her company, only at night. A behavior noticed by the viewers of the game show and by the other Vipponi, making it incomprehensible to understand the true intentions of spinal broom towards the girl.

About a month after the Casa di Cinecittà, Oriana He immediately bonded with his ex-partner Belen Rodriguez, so much so that within days the two became increasingly intimate. To break the balance between the two, it was a “rude” phrase uttered by the Marcholiwho compared the defect, e.g Anthony, her little girl, to that of her dog, to whom the Venezuelan is very close. However, many have speculated that the 30-year-old’s reaction was overblown and how he judged Atilius Romitait was a pure and simple “exit strategy”.

Although the girl later apologized and admitted she was a little tipsy at the time, Anthony he didn’t want to meet his roommate, who, in his opinion, would also be guilty of immaturity and superficiality.

Orianathe he was beginning to feel a little more for La SpeziaShe spent several days in a depressed state. To lift Vippona’s spirits, a plane arrived organized by the couple’s fans, the Orialbese, who reported: “AO Let them be roses.”

The girl appreciated the fans’ gesture, as she promptly reported Attilius in the confessional, Anthony He hid between the sun loungers in the garden.

“It makes me very happy to know that what I experienced with him was seen and that everyone experienced it the way I experienced it, not making films. Yesterday he said to me: I can’t stand you because I like you too much aesthetically,” he said Oriana in the confessional.

Antonino instead stated:

I don’t know if it will be roses, now they are not. Not wanting to make the other party feel guilty, I find myself weighing my words just so they don’t feel bad. Look, I wish I was the rejected one. I hope someone comes to reject me so I won’t be afraid. But then to see them here all day…there’s certainly a physical attraction, but also a kind of reluctance to see them growl, to watch me, to look at me…

The two Vipponi then had a confrontation during which spinal broom He admitted that if one day he felt like he had feelings for her, he would say it. At the same time, he feels sorry for passing her off as “the one who took the pole.” “I explained to you yesterday what I want and what I don’t want,” repeated the hairdresser. And the Venezuelan replied: “If you continue as you have done now, that you tell me such things, do not worry, I will not come near you to help you”.

I would like to go away but I see him every day. I’ll try to do it for myself,” he concluded Oriana in the confessional.