Bruce Willis increasingly ill his family praying for a miracle

Bruce Willis increasingly ill, his family ‘praying for a miracle’

But what about Bruce Willis? While his entire family announced the end of his career due to illness last March, some recent photos reassured his fans who thought he was almost cured. But that’s not the case: According to a source close to him, his condition is even worsening by the day…

Will we see him again one day in front of the camera and glancing sideways with his mischievous eyes? Unfortunately, that prospect seems to be shifting from week to week… Bruce Willis had already been suffering from aphasia for several months, which had hastened the announcement of his retirement last March, and indeed his condition would be worsening by the week, according to one his relatives at Radar Online.

A source who described the actor’s sad living conditions, which have now completely disappeared. “He can’t say much anymore and he doesn’t seem to understand much of what other people are saying to him,” he explained in particular, before adding a layer: “There are days when they have glimpses of the older Bruce, but they are short and spaced out.”

They are the women in Bruce Willis’ life, always very present for him: his wife Emma but also his ex Demi Moore, ready to support her in any circumstances. “She was in constant contact with Bruce and Emma. She takes every opportunity to spend time with him. When she’s not by his side, she calls him so Bruce can hear her voice,” she tells the same source the American Actress, mother of Bruce Willis’ first three daughters.

His daughters, his pillar

Three young women, Rumer (34), Scout (31) and Tallulah (28), who sometimes have problems…

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VIDEO – Bruce Willis, suffering from aphasia, retires

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