Later in the afternoon, right after rehearsals for tomorrow night’s show, Attilius – lost in his thoughts – decides to isolate himself on the porch from the prying eyes of his roommates.
Notable is his companion Sarah who joins him without hesitation in understanding the reasons for his despair.
The former Bust regrets what happened during the night and admits that he did not appreciate the treatment reserved for Antonella Daniele: “Tomorrow morning he could do it again with me.” “Personal and human relationships have to based on respect,” he adds.
At this point, Sarah tries to get Attilio to think about the existing relationships within the house and tries to make him understand that it is actually difficult to find real confidants with whom you can share everything without problems: “Here we are not friends “, she says. However, regarding what happened yesterday, the VIP breaks a spear in favor Antonella and explains to his partner that the former fencer – contrary to what turned out – certainly did not want to direct any unpleasant words at him Danielbut tried in every possible way to get a place in the closet of his own.
After what happened, will peace of mind return between Attilio and Antonella?