ALBA TCP member countries issue a statement on the occasion

ALBA TCP member countries issue a statement on the occasion of their 18th anniversary

Dated December 14, 2022 and with the motto “18 years of unity and commitment to Latin American and Caribbean integration”, the document contains the essential principles that characterize the activity of this regional organization in accordance with the ideals of social justice. Collaboration and economic complementarity of its founders, Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and Commander Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías.

Among the points included in the text are manifested the indictment of the hostile and interfering policy of the United States towards our peoples; The Monroe Doctrine is opposed due to its role in the destabilizing politics of Latin American and Caribbean nations, while denouncing unconventional warfare strategies, “using politically motivated trials and lacking legal support (lawfare) to destroy political and ideological competitors.”

The strengthening of Celac, the dignity of nations and therefore the ideology of heroes, and the right to redress for years of colonialism, slavery and genocide are other details included in the document.

Aspects of climate change and the negative effects of uneven development of nations on nature are also discussed. Likewise, the call is to maintain a commitment to the international agreements on the subject.

The signatories reiterate their support for Latin American leaders who are being harassed by imperialist and oligarchic powers, while condemning the use of unilateral coercive measures against nations of the continent committed to alternative societal systems, inclusion and human dignity. Under these principles, they call for the immediate end of the US blockade against Cuba.

ALBA-TCP condemns in the strongest possible terms terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, to which, unfortunately, many peoples of this continent have fallen victim.

In their commitment to understanding, the editors of this statement make it clear: “We welcome the re-establishment of the peace talks table between the Colombian government and the ELN, with two ALBA-TCP member states serving as guarantors and alternative venues.”

The text also includes a thank you to Comrade Sacha Llorentty Soliz for the work done at the head of the ALBA-TCP Executive Secretariat and welcomes the appointment of Comrade Ambassador Félix Plasencia González as the new Executive Secretary of ALBA-TCP.

Finally, the text essentially expresses the aspirations, goals and will of the member countries: “We highlight the measures to continue the development of the revitalization of ALBA-TCP as a union mechanism fighting for peace, democracy, stability and welfare. Nature of the Peoples of Our America”.