Noemis ex husband warns Totti In order to get material

Noemi’s ex husband warns Totti: “In order to get material goods, she crushes relationships, feelings, families”

There is no peace for the new couple made of Francesco Toti and Naomi Bocchi. Yes, their story is booming, so much so that the two They will soon be spending their first Christmas together in their new home. But he thought about damaging the important milestone her ex-husband and father of their two children, Mauro Caucci. The 35-year-old entrepreneur, who was denounced for abuse by Noemi in 2019 (the trial is ongoing), gave Chi a spiteful interview in which he zero-shoots his ex-wife. A clear warning to Totti: Noemi “has forgotten her past and knows exactly what she wants and wants.” how are you to get what he wants. He did it, using all possible opportunities, he did it pushing over everything, relationships, feelings, families, wearing everything down to reach their goals».

Caucci, patron of Tivoli football and known by the nickname «Travertine king» (his family has marble quarries) he says he loved his ex-wife very much: «I made sure that ours was the most beautiful story in the world, and it was. Whoever he chooses after me, he’ll never be able to match who he was for one very simple fact: that I loved her more than anything in the world». But this love, he says, removed him from all his affections: «I fought wars for her, I quarreled with my whole family. They told me to be careful that it wasn’t the right way, that it wasn’t right. I was marginalized because the more alone I was, the more I could be governed”.

Today, Caucci describes his ex-wife as a careerist, a cold calculator interested only in material goods: «My wife and I were caught up in a reckless pursuit of happiness, but happiness understood as the unbridled acquisition of material goods and therefore everything that belonged to a person’s values ​​became less and less: we had to go to exclusive places for parties, for the bag, the ring». The businessman learned about the Totti Bocchi story from the newspapers. And in his opinion, the ex-wife did not protect her two children: «I condemn the reckless behavior that exposes children, always to achieve other ends.”.

In the lengthy interview, the Tivoli football owner also insinuated that Bocchi’s life was nothing more than a collage of lies: “I’m going through hell because of what came out about me, but nobody bothered to tell it.” to verify my wife’s details. Are you sure that she is a graduate, that she is a floral designer, that she is from North Rome, that she comes from a very rich family, as has been said?”.

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