Francesca Cipriani with red stamp is the showgirl wearing underwear

Francesca Cipriani with red stamp, is the showgirl wearing underwear? When you get up you see everything

Francesca Cipriani with a red dot, does she lift her dress and notice everything, is she not wearing underwear? Here are the details

“Sorry, I didn’t understand the game well” is the meme that circulates very often on social media and that concerns her because she is really an ironic, nice woman who has brought moments of trash and lightheartedness to Italian television: we talk about her, Frances Cipriani. there He gained fame in 2010 thanks to the well-known show La pupa e il gecchio, before conquering a part of the Italian market and some successful TV shows in which he took part, such as Grande Fratello, Colorado, Caduta Libera and Grand Hotel Chiambretti. A Red Dot photo recently surfaced that sparked debate online: is Cipriani wearing her underwear under her beautiful dress?
Frances CiprianiFrancesca Cipriani sees everything –

Already in 2005, the girl made herself known by hosting the news of Onda Tv, the local channel of the Peligna Valley. As fame increases, until 2006, when he has the opportunity to take part in the well-known show Big Brother was followed by other programs such as Sky Show and Comedy Central, the Rai 2 Piloti sitcom and on Italia 1 Medici Mine.

Additionally, her affluent physique allows her to collaborate on three sexy calendars in 2007, 2010 and 2015, and become a correspondent for Barbara D’Urso’s program entitled Domenica Cinque. Despite these experiences, in 2010 the woman becomes visible thanks to her participation in the well-known show The doll and the nerd paired with Federico Bianco. Many define her as very “trash” and little educated, although in reality it is not so: the beautiful Francesca is has a degree in political science and only built a character who systematically turns by conquering the gossip scenes.

If you look at the woman, you can clearly see that she often resorted to cosmetic surgery, even if the latter did not always go well enough to admit in an interview with Domenica In: “I spent on my buttocks of health problems. I had prostheses, but they were put in poorly, instead of under the muscle under the skin. The muscle was completely destroyed.”

Francesca Cipriani and the health problem

Some time ago, the very nice Francesca Cipriani took part in the well-known reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini. Big Brother Vip who quits the program due to a health issue caused by the vaccine. Cipriani wanted to reveal the decision and the reasons in an interview with Super TV Guide.
Frances CiprianiFrancesca Cipriani and the health problem –

In December 2021, he made a decision that said, “I’m not staying. Unfortunately, I have some health problems, I have physical problems and I need to have some examinations done by some specialists. I’m not feeling well, no, unfortunately since August. I came here, I was hesitant, and now there are times when I’m not really well, so I have to go and get checked out. In the house, the doctor obviously examined me and advised me to go outside to do some tests.

Some time later he revealed the reasons in the interview quoted above: “I quit for health reasons. I was vaccinated and had contraindications. I have no regrets, I would do anything again and everything I said I said because I thought so.”

Francesca Cipriani with red stamp: That happened

Francesca Cipriani was being interviewed with her new husband Alessandro Rossi through the Verissimo mics, but something immediately sparked gossip: her blue dress which, when she lifted it, saw her privates. It appears that the doll was not wearing any panties.
Frances CiprianiFrancesca Cipriani red dot –

The detail was picked up by Striscia la Notia, who would have highlighted what happened on the show: “Did you notice? Francesca stood up and let her eyes wander to Sharon Stone.

Then the punch lineand: “Come on… you were wrong, Cipriani must be wearing underwear: yes, at home!”.

Who knows how the showgirl will react after these nice jokes from the satirical news host Ezio Greggio.