1671176713 Francesco Giorgi partner of Eva Kaili who breaks down under

Francesco Giorgi, partner of Eva Kaili who ‘breaks down under stress’

by AndreaGalli

The 35-year-old was born in Abbiategrasso on the outskirts of Milan. In his country they say: He dreams of buying an Emir boat

But if they then renamed her «Eva Kant», who would he be? Really (a) “Diabolic”? By omitting certain unpronounceable nicknames associated with attitudes, if not obsessions, of a great indefatigable admirer, e.g Francesco Giorgi – in this article how his bond with Antonio Panzeri was formed, who was invited to the school by his father, the principal – Let’s choose the following definition of a friend who declares themselves both affectionate and devastated: “The surfer of the Idroscalo».

The two villas

A definition that then says a lot about the 35-year-old arrested with the same partner Eva Kaili: namely a yes aware of his provincial origins, in his case Abbiategrasso, a town half an hour from Milan between boring straight streets and decadent farmhouses, but with the world on the horizon, and a very user of the machine that creates waves in the artificial lake by simulating being in Hawaii. And his anyway interrogation overcrowded, the magistrate joined in the usual crying and the usual panic attacks of mere mortals, proves he is no criminal. Or rather, we are told in Via della Noce where they face each other two villas. The one with the even number greater than Mother Iole and father Luciano, a teacher and a principal, hidden by a high hedge; and the odd numbered one, terraced, smaller and up until October 2016, before emigrating to Brussels in the Rue de la Tulipe, residence of Francis, degree in political science and many years of experience as a parliamentary assistant; stronger than the change of parties, whether right or left, and the politicians for whom one works. Almost that Keep your balance, never fall, in short, surf, and the existential attitude of one who preaches optimism and abhors those who grumble and give up. It must be added that in the chorus of voices Giorgi generated widespread envy: and the beauty, and the brilliance, and the natural ability to fascinate anyone, anywhereand the incredible ability to sell pure skills that aren’t…

Francesco Giorgi, Eva Kaili's partner: the Idroscalo surfer who grew up in the oratory

In the oratory

Envy or stubbornness, at this point it is also worth mentioning Anecdotes about an “influential family member”, also born at Rho Hospital, who would have guided his career by introducing him to the right people. But again: envy or sheer stubbornness when dealing with a double life person, a strategist of evil, everything collides with childhood and adolescence Giorgi, who grew up polite and courteous, the absolute pride of his father Luciano, 66 years old, head of the comprehensive school in nearby Cisliano, a manager known for his fight against neglectful teachers and sterile union controversies (on 24 November 2010 he invited then MEP Antonio Panzeri to speak to the boys). francis, manic type in the selection and weight of food, reading the scale in the morning and muscle development, grew uporatorio, and from his father, an ambulance and community volunteer, he learned – he had to – think of others. Here Mr. Luciano goes out the door but immediately stops in the driveway; to apologize, “they ordered me to be silent and I would not speak under any circumstances». He bows his head and sketches a painful, even heartbreaking, smile. For the coordinates of him and his wife, The accusations against the son, the handcuffs, the villagers who examine and judge, are worse than a betrayal.

The terror of stress

A resident with the dog, in the garden with the memorial plaque for the deportees and fallen of Abbiategrasso, says that the parents are like they killed her, even though they are two struggling to make a living with children and growth paths every day, know full well that every mind is unpredictable. Not that, mind you, Francesco hasn’t worried us over the years: he sees adventure as a movement of the soul, as a skipper he’s even sailed in storms, he loves crazy speed, As a teenager, he combined nocturnal adventures that bordered on hospitalization – but he always stopped to the last useful millimeter while friends collapsed around him – and in his, shall we say, activity of a great admirerhe often bet that he would succeed with this girl and damn himself until he did…

And the relationship to money? They caught him with pockets full of bills, even inside the mansion. Now there are no anecdotes of greed, in fact this is someone who lends money without stories, and yet there are rumors about itimpending purchase of an Emir boat to allow herself majestic crossings with Eva and her little daughter. Eve. “He snapped at all his whims!”; “Whenever, he’s the one who plagiarized them!” Who knows who this Giorgi is or not. Certainly he has a famous limitation, revealed by his closest friends: «he suffers from stressful situations like the damn»; If it happens inside it, it will make every attempt to flee, avoiding those in front of it if necessary even when it is on the ground, and calling for help.

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December 15, 2022 ( edit December 16, 2022 | 08:11)