Senator Marco Rubio calls for title 42 to be

Senator Marco Rubio calls for title 42 to be extended

Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio, in a statement on his website, called for Title 42 to be extended to help control the migrant crisis on the United States’ southern border.

The Republican used common sense to urge House and Senate Democrats to “align with Republicans to protect our national security by expanding the powers (Title 42) in the year-end finance bill.”

Rubio called it “insane” to let Title 42 expire without announcing plans to secure the border in his absence, “all because an activist judge decided to legislate from the bench,” he added.

For the Cuban-US senator, the crisis at the US border requires that Title 42 remain in effect, which was blocked by District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington last November after he felt it was a norm “arbitrary and capricious ‘ because it replaces an immigration policy.

It should be noted that the controversial Title 42 imposed by former President Donald Trump in March 2020 saw migrants entering the United States from Mexico quickly expelled, from where they had to stay in makeshift shelters in precarious conditions waiting for an opportunity to appear before US immigration authorities again.

Marco Rubio says migration will be ‘much worse’ with Title 42 ending

This measure was applied due to the public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but in early 2022 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended the order be lifted, claiming it was no longer necessary for current health conditions.

Marco Rubio said that starting December 21, when the end of Title 42 goes into effect, migration in the United States will be “much worse”.

Rubio said more than 7,000 people cross the southern border illegally every day, a number that could reach 18,000 “if authorities lose their powers of expulsion”.

“No country in the world can bear that. I have the deepest sympathy for the men and women seeking a better life, but open borders help nobody,” the Republican said.

ALSO READ: A Cuban migrant is hospitalized in Miami after contracting a bacterium in the Darien jungle (+VIDEO) – Cuba news – Cubans around the world

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