Antonino Spinalbese is ready to leave the Gf Vip

Antonino Spinalbese is ready to leave the Gf Vip

Antonino spinal broom would be willing to leave GF VIP. A hit that, if confirmed, would cause many a headache for the program directed by Alfonso Signorini Anthony is one of the strongest and most talked about characters of this edition of Big Brother where, like it or not, it creates dynamism, flirtation and a good dose of drama too.

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It was the same who brought the news of the impending farewell spinal broom who, during a conversation with some roommates, revealed his decision to leave home to undergo minor surgery related to a coccyx cyst which has become increasingly exasperating and painful in recent days, to the point where the former barber is being forced to contemplate the idea of ​​giving it up GF put in the hands of a medical team.

This news comes like a cold shower, especially since it was brought back to the GF’s house just a few days ago Geneva Lamborghiniwith the former of Belen had a nice feeling that the show’s writers would hope for something more and bring to life this great love story that many fans of the couple (dubbed Gintonic) would love to see blossom under the cameras of the Big Brother VIP.

That for the coveted flirt in between Geneva Lamborghini and spinal broom Is it time to write the last word? Maybe not, according to the latest rumours, indeed Anthony could temporarily leave Big Brother to then return at the end of the operation and take a few hours break from the reality cameras, where inside the house his beloved is waiting for him with open arms Geneva.