Qatar has largely succeeded in restoring its international image

Qatar has “largely succeeded” in restoring its international image

The final kick-off for a game between France and Argentina will be at the Lusail Stadium next Sunday at 8 p.m. It will be the last game of this very special 2022 World Cup in terms of the calendar, which will be played for the first time in winter, by its venue, being played for the first time in a Gulf country, and by all the controversy it has generated. The World Cup in Qatar will also be remembered for the atypical trips made by some teams, such as Saudi Arabia’s victory over Argentina or Morocco’s arrival in the semi-finals.

In the end, the fervor of the proponents seems to have triumphed over any criticism of the Middle East emirate on environmental issues and respect for human rights. So the bet seems successful for this cramped state that has managed to “largely” restore its image on the international scene. Nabil Ennasri, PhD in Political Science and author of The Empire of Qatar, the new master of the game? (Points Sur Les I), returns for 20 minutes to the strategy of sport’s “gentle power” inherited from Doha.

Has Qatar managed to restore its international image thanks to the World Cup?

The state has largely succeeded in this. Organizational problems during this World Cup were avoided to the great relief of authorities, who feared hiccups from lack of preparation, particularly around the Lusail Stadium, the country’s largest football stadium where the final will be played. In September, a game between a Saudi team and an Egyptian formation, intended as a practice run, was interrupted by mishaps (congestion in the subway, lack of drinking water, difficult access, etc.) . After more than fifteen days of the tournament, everything was going well, as evidenced by the avalanche of videos on social networks, showing fans of all origins communicating in cheers and good humor, especially around the Souq Waqif, the emblematic place of the capital.

The magic of football and the strong feelings it evokes occupied the space.”

The “good organization” of the event, praised in international media (such as The world) or by Emmanuel Macron, has it made people forget the climate and humanitarian controversies?

Controversy blossomed ahead of the World Cup and intensified as the opening game kicked off. As soon as the competition started, the game and the passion took over, as evidenced by the good audiences for the games both in France and elsewhere in the world. The excitement was all the greater when, two days after the opening game, the performance of Saudi Arabia against Argentina and then Japan against Germany created such a shockwave that the magic of football and the strong feelings surrounding it were pushed to the background of the controversies and other boycott calls.

Is many teams’ refusal to wear the ‘One Love’ armband a win for Doha?

This satisfaction was shared by the host country and FIFA. This armband also became controversial insofar as a strong protest movement had aroused in the Arab world, many demanding that the captains of qualifying Arab teams (Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Qatar, Tunisia) should wear the Palestinian armband. Their argument was that once political or ideological claims were introduced into the field, it was necessary to give an echo to other causes such as Palestine, whose ties remain strong in the opinions of the region, as indicated by the t presence of many Flags in the stands and even on the pitches with players allegedly displaying them at the end of the game.

Is there a risk of ignoring all the problems surrounding this World Cup after the final?

This is indeed a risk and this is the cardinal role that the media, NGOs and civil society in general will play in ensuring international pressure continues after the World Cup. The aim is for Qatar to maintain its pro-worker reform package. I think it will continue on this path, as shown by the continuation of the cooperation with the International Labor Organization (ILO) announced a few days ago. Because it was far away.

Qatar needs to improve its image and it is not in its interest to go back.”

When the competition was awarded in 2010, there was a real practice of modern day slavery, then, under pressure from international powers, associations and the media, Qatar took a number of measures such as introducing a mandatory minimum wage. There is still a gap between law and practice. It is imperative to go further, but today Qatar needs to improve its image and it is not in its interest to go backwards, especially on this issue of workers’ rights. More broadly, when it comes to climate and social issues, Qatar has a certain obligation to take them into account as it has nothing to gain from being singled out on the international stage. If the criticism is permanent, he will not be able to restore his image.

Will Qatar go unpunished by the international community for its crimes against foreign workers, among others?

It will remain under international pressure, particularly if it bids for the Olympics, which appears to be the case for the 2036 edition. Qatar’s use of sport is in line with strategic objectives of “soft power”, ie diplomatic reach. That momentum is what pushes him to stay on the radar of international attention and we can rightly expect the same controversies to surface again if he gets the Games organiser.

Why does a sport like soccer shape the image of a country? And above all an event like the world?

Because football is the supreme sport that is revered in all latitudes and in all countries. The zeal, passion and excitement it inspires is unique and no other sport commands as much attention. That is why Qatar has made it the cornerstone of its sports diplomacy. Other countries have understood this well, in particular the United States, which will mainly host the next edition, as well as China, which is the most serious candidate for 2030. The goal of the Beijing regime is to show the world its strategic power through the lever of the symbol that generates the World Cup.