in the news he forgets the unrest of the Moroccans.webp

in the news he forgets the unrest of the Moroccans in France

Who said merit doesn’t draw? Pull, pull, especially on the left and especially on Rai, where the stripes deserve, deserve, don’t stand there and comb the dolls. Joan Botteri, for example. Well, she may be disheveled and not a doll, but she has all the assets. Wherever you send her, Giovannona disheveled is always a little dazed when something’s wrong, but on the other hand she offers that Iranian, ecumenical view of the world, very Disney-esque, very post-progressive. Volemose bene or rather nous nous aimons, which currently finds itself aloof in France.

Here, Giovannona offered the best merits in an effusionist chronicleeven a little Dadaist (“not only Moroccans: also Algerians, Tunisians, at a large popular sports festival”) of the events after the match between Morocco and France, practically a derby. Everyone who loves each other, hugs, celebrates, “well done France, but also well done Morocco”, “I was rooting for you both” (of course), “I’m French, but I’m also Moroccan”, but above all progressive and left-wing, like the Peripate by Lucio Dalla. Only here we were not in Bologna, where not even a child is lost, but precisely in Paris, where Giovannona lost the best: collisions, fires and not jubilation, not will-o’-the-wisps but anger, the city in flames, hooliganism, ruins.

Even a young life was lost, a fourteen-year-old who died in the riots: according to the Paris Prefecture, who could perhaps be contacted even before this enchanted report, a group of “fans”, apparently old Pars, tried to snatch a flag tricolor off a car that ran amoktries to escape it overwhelmed the little boy, who died in hospital shortly afterwards for cardiac arrest. The news came first from Dagospia, and from there only confirmations. Not for Botteri, who doesn’t mention it in his already legendary report for today’s 13.00 Rg2. As it flies by, glissa, ignore the huge mess that has shocked the capital; just a reference, en passant, to the “five thousand gendarmes guarding the Champs Elisées”, obviously on vacation to also attend the party, since according to them there is not even the shadow of riots.

But what a beautiful world. And what a great way to provide information, especially in Rai. It recalls the deputy editor of Corriere, who withheld the news of the seven hundred and more children who died in Greece after a devastating crisis criminally managed by the Union: “I didn’t do it – explained Fubini – because it would have been like putting a club in the hand of the anti-Europeans.” There is a nimble magazine that has just come out with the truth, in which Massimo De Manzoni flees this nonchalant information bordering on Omertoso: It’s been a Appeared this week, but in a sense it is already old, the examples are varied , Botteri’s performance continues, marking new heights, the beauty is that no one, from Rai to the Order of Journalists, will think of not sanctioning it, what only would be the useless bastard of a censorship (although the measures are raining down on the right-wing press like stones) but at least, my goodness, give it a chance.But go : easier to imagine, in the hallways, furtive handshakes, politically correct backslappersgo Giovanna, that’s how it’s done.

Is there anything sweet? Name Botteri, name it Botteri: and you know what you discover. The joy, the happiness. Fifth, the bare, run-down reality: For Rai, the aggression of an ethnic faction that turns a world metropolis upside down doesn’t exist, doesn’t exist, you can’t say that. And that’s not even the only case, it’s from the start that the path of the Moroccan national team, which in itself is great for play, courage and will, has been paved with riots, chaos, devastation, collapse, more or less throughout Europe cities, in Paris as in Milan, in Brussels as everywhere else. Otherwise one would not understand the contingency plans drawn up by the police, which alert the various “sensitive” cities, that is, everyone. Nothing, we say to do it.

Once again we risk putting the cudgel in the hands of the eurosceptics who want to sabotage this institution, as we see more and more every day, so transparent, crystal clear, willing, caring, committed to the citizens, respectful of their prerogatives, not at all obtrusive, not obtrusive at all, their faces, off Ursula von der Leyenknown as the Baroness, a Christine Lagarde by Margrethe Vestager and Karl Michaeletc. etc., they just inspire confidence, always so polite, understanding, well-disposed especially with Italy: what do you want, They even encouraged Giorgia Meloni’s maneuverthe one against strong forces, a maneuver suspected of being inspired by his banker friend Super Mario.

There has never been a scandal in the EU, and if there is a problem, the EU solves it quickly: just don’t see, then you don’t have to ask, for example the impact of this uncontrolled immigration, which takes cities hostage under the pretext of a football match. We don’t even have to wonder where we might end up after all this (actually, Giovanni Sartori had already explained it to us: to theocratic dictatorships imported due to an excess of secular democracy; but who was Sartori in the end?). Least of all is it wise to ask why the hell troubled African tribes should be storming European cities that are also home to them. Don’t ask Giovannona Longhair: She’s a pure soul, e.g in the great confusion of the world he sees only harmony, peace, serenity, harmony and some firecrackers, some punches, some shots yes, but just to celebrate, all together. The world seen from the left is a wonderful thing.

Max Del Papa, December 15, 2022