Disguised as “SpiderMan”, the animator of a “Happy Train” fell out of the vehicle in Guarujá last Friday evening (16). Pictures taken by The grandstand show the moment of the accident, captured by a driver accompanying the attraction. (see video below)
In the video you can see that the figure was hanging on the left side of the train with open arms. In addition, the man faced the passengers in the back of the vehicle. That way he didn’t see the little train approaching a pylon and getting hit by the pylon and falling onto the road.
The tour is operated by the Trenzinho Vermelho company, which has released a note classifying the case as a “single accident”. The team assured that the employee was fine and that the assistance was provided and that all measures were taken.
“Those using the small train know that we are traveling at low speed and this is essential for everyone’s safety,” the statement said.