The curtain falls for this year 2022 and as always in these days of the year it is like that time of horoscopes: what the stars and celestial bodies say for the coming year, for 2023? In this case we are talking about the predictions of Antonio Capitani.
It starts from Cancer and Leowho, according to the expert, will enjoy Jupiter’s balsamic effects on work, money and all day-to-day life. However, things will not go smoothly at Christmas: a lot of stress and little desire to get to know relatives and people. In short, hold on: It gets better.
Because of this Virgo and Libra: positive prospects for work and bank account. And the two signs will also gain in charm in the coming year. Also good in love, “the hormone lights up,” assures Capitani.
It still is, Scorpio and Sagittarius: a blessed year for these two dreams, which will reap fruit “in all areas and (often) without you lifting a finger”. However, the stars await somber and amorous melancholy.
The review concludes Capricorn and Aquarius, for which a productive and convincing year is expected. According to the stars, it is possible that they will find a new job or a promotion and still find “an extension of their radius of action” in work clothes, assures Antonio Capitani. In short, for every sign or almost there is at least one good reason to look to 2023 with confidence.