The love horoscope for each zodiac sign on Monday December

The love horoscope for each zodiac sign on Monday December 19th, 2022

Every zodiac sign’s love horoscope in astrology is here for Monday December 19th, 2022. Here’s what happens in love and what’s best advice for your relationships, per astrology.

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What today’s love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Monday, December 19th, 2022:



Choose from your heart, Aries. Love is always a choice. People you care about may do things that are disappointing or difficult, but you choose whether or not you care anyway.

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Love what you have to do, Taurus. You are here to choose happiness over sorrow. From hobbies to your career, including the person you want to love, be with someone who makes you smile and makes you feel happy.

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There’s romance everywhere, Gemini, if you want to see it. There are so many messages in the world that emphasize rejecting a person who has hurt your heart. However, you can find the rainbow and see the beauty behind a storm.

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In the family you hang up your hat, Cancer. When you travel, you sometimes feel homesick. Being out of town can give you a sense of longing for your own things and personal space,

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A kind word is always a good choice, Leo. A single sentence can carry so much healing power. Knowing what to say when a person is hurt isn’t easy, but pausing to think about it can help.

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It’s not what you have, it’s what you use it for, Virgo. You tend to put others above yourself and that’s not a bad thing. But there are times when you might worry that you don’t have enough. Love often causes what you give to exceed your expectations.

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Choose yourself first, Libra. There’s always room for love when your cup is full. Self-care is always the best place to start. You love better when you’re happiest on the inside.

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Loving someone doesn’t mean you have to keep them close in your life. You can distance yourself from a person who is not in a good place. Giving them space allows them to see where they need to do shadow work, as your lack of presence draws all the attention to yourself.

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Unconditional love often starts with friendship. Taking it slow is rarely a mistake for a new love. You can get to know a person without feeling rushed. It’s not easy, but it takes the pressure off your shoulders.

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Being single can feel sad or even frustrating this time of year, but it opens the door to do the things you want. You can focus on your career, buy things for the people you love without answering anyone, and you can also spend time with yourself.

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Study the meaning of love and become a student of its fullest expression. Read poetry and thought leaders on the topic. See what love lessons might be right for you and work them into your own life.

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Surrender yourself without holding back as this can teach you how to trust the universe and its ability to make up for areas where there is a lack.

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Aria Gmitter, MS, MFA, is YourTango’s Senior Editor for Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies at the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

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