MAGDEBURG (dpa-AFX) – “The voice of the people” for Intel in Magdeburg:
“Chip giant Intel is moving away from its planned start date for the construction of two giga factories in Magdeburg. The US group is joining the ranks of those who first want to wait and see how the currently unpredictable market develops. It’s over. That’s understandable from a business perspective. Plus, Intel is in tough waters. The company is struggling with declining sales and profits. In the next year alone, the chip giant wants to cut costs by about $3 billion of dollars. By 2025, annual savings of eight to ten billion dollars are expected. Job cuts are in the room. And: The original cost calculations for Magdeburg are, due to exploding construction prices, long out of date. It’s from Americans are now expected to open up a new game of poker for billions more in federal funding.”/al/DP/he
AXC0019 2022-12-19/05:35
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