1671442443 The most searched by internet users this year 2022

The most searched by internet users this year 2022

Google is the search engine used by more than half of the world’s population, processes approximately 70,000 queries per second and controls more than 91% of the global search engine market.

For this reason, it is still interesting to know what has been searched for the most on Google this year that is coming to an end, and the answer was offered by Google Trends, which recently published such data, summarized as the trends for 2022 .

The most searched by internet users this year 2022
Photo: web

Most sought after internationally:

• Wordl

• India versus England

• Ukraine

• Queen Isabel

• Indonesia vs United States

The first of these terms corresponds to an online game of the same name that has gone viral and consists of guessing a five-letter word every day that is the same for all players in the world, who can share their results. After its tremendous success, the game was acquired by the New York Times for a seven-figure sum.

The most searched messages were related to the following topics: Ukraine, death of Queen Elizabeth II, election results, Powerball raffle and monkeypox; while the most wanted people were Johnny Depp, Will Smith, Amber Heard, Vladimir Putin and Chris Rock.

Most wanted athletes: Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Serena Williams, Manti Te’o and Shaun White.

The most searched topics related to the word Cuba were: explosion, tropical cyclone, National Baseball Series, Varadero and Cayo Coco; while the main issues related to the term Cuba were: Cuba Hurricane Ian, Hurricane Ian, Italy Cuba Pallavolo (Volleyball), Family Code in Cuba and Hotel Saratoga Cuba.

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Photo: Jorge Luis Baños

In the case of the English language, the Oxford Dictionary chose Goblin mode, meaning goblin mode, as its word of the year 2022, chosen as a result of an open poll of nearly 300,000 English speakers who chose it over others as the metaverse and # IStandWith (being with someone, used on social media to show solidarity with a cause, group or person) was also voted among the most popular, coming in second and third place.

According to Katherine Connor Martin, product manager at Oxford Languages. “Goblin mode refers to the feeling that the pandemic is over, but we’re still dealing with it.”

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Photo: Pixabay

Oxford states that goblin mode is the term that refers to an “unbridled, unrepentant, lazy, neglectful, or greedy behavior, typically a form that rejects social norms or expectations”.

As examples of goblin mode, he suggests getting up at dawn to make a questionable sandwich, or just not being interested in leaving the house.

Definitely and fortunately, we Cubans are not in duende mode.