Mailander Platz was invaded by half a million euros in

Mailänder Platz was invaded by half a million euros (in cash).

A carpet of money. Artistic provocation on Monday morning in Milan’s Piazza Affari, literally invaded by 50 euro banknotes, fake but identical in every way to the real ones.

The signature on the flash comes from the artist Marilù S. Manzini, painter, sculptor, photographer, writer and director, who wanted to highlight important current economic and civil society issues with the work “Money”. So Manzini scattered 10,000 50-euro bills on the asphalt right in front of the stock exchange and in the economic heart of the Milanese capital.

“In a time of crisis like the one we are currently experiencing, money is increasingly becoming the focus of all thoughts: a start for objects of desire, which is colliding with ever lower wages and soaring living costs.” Marilù’s performance Manzini, deliberately with a strong impact, wants make us reflect on the role that money plays in our lives, a reminder of a forgotten money ethic that we should all return to,” the flash mob organizers said.

“And the tool that Manzini uses precisely because of its eclectic and unconventional nature is artistic action, pushed to its maximum expressive limits. Money is therefore the ‘shock’ that the artist sends in response to the dark days we are going through, a call through art to those who want to finally touch the state of affairs with their own hands to restore their rightful weight.” they closed.