Look for European luxury SUVs Putins favorite comes from Russia

Look for European luxury SUVs: Putin’s favorite comes from Russia and makes everyone look like toys

The brand that we will see today is very famous in Russia for serving only the richest and most powerful buyers. Among them also the President Vladimir Putin, who unfortunately is nowadays famous for what is happening in Ukraine…

We’ve seen many cars as the protagonists of the terrible war in Ukraine, which seems to have reached an unprecedented point of tension: while the soldiers They die at the front, the Russian hierarchs apparently have other priorities. Here’s the definitive car to get around in style in the major cities now almost entirely closed to western tourists.

Putin's luxury SUV Putin’s luxury SUV (mondofuoristrada.it)

A home for the rich

The Russian automobile industry it is certainly not a golden agethanks to Western sanctions that have practically isolated the Russian economy, creating problems for Putin-loving industrialists and militaries, but unfortunately also for those Russian citizens who do not want to be drawn into this new Cold War and who are experiencing the worst crisis on record years seen.

After the news What a Lada will produce the cars using the same methods used in the seventies due to the shortage of materials and especially the chips needed to assemble them some important components of the vehicles in question here is proof that whoever has money can always do whatever they want, including making a luxury SUV in a similar historical moment, despite the hardships caused by the war.

Almost to the limit

Aurus commanderAurus Commander (mondofuoristrada.it)

The new creation of the Aurus brand, manufacturer the special limousine “Battle”, which Russian President Vladimir Putin uses every day on his travels, seems to have come from an American film. The influence of manufacturers like Lincoln and GM in the design of the new Aurus Komandant it is obviousdespite the rivalry with the Americans.

With a weight over 3,200 kg, the commander is dangerously close to the border which in Europe establishes the impossibility of driving the vehicle in question with the normal B driving licence, even if this does not pose an immediate problem for the house which will hardly be for sale in the countries anyway who support the embargo against Moscow. But let’s put politics aside and take a more objective look at our four-wheeled friend.

oligarchic price

Without a doubt to be able to afford the commander There will be very few people in Russia belonging to Putin’s circle of supporters, and perhaps the President himself, who could decide at this difficult moment to expand his fleet. The Komandant – or so it seems – will be produced in no more than a thousand copies from next year.

Aurus Commander (mondofuoristrada.it)Aurus Commander (mondofuoristrada.it)

Equipped with a hybrid engine V8 with around 600 hp, the commander reaches an electronically limited top speed of 250 kilometers per hour and its interior naturally looks like it is from a five-star hotel. Among the kitschy options we have a cup holder that heats or cools beverages as desired, so even tea and hot chocolate lovers won’t be disappointed, and monitors that mount in the seats for convenient TV viewing on the move.

How much could a vehicle that makes the Bentyaga look like cost a poor man’s car and the Cayenne a toy? We already know the price, including inflation: 33.7 million rubles, the equivalent of about 592,000 euros. As we have already said, certainly no ordinary Russian citizens will be able to afford this tank on wheels.