fires another journalist over 60 to cut costs

fires another journalist over 60 to cut costs

The network has fired highpaying veterans like Edney Silvestre and has questions about maintaining the quality of its reporting

  • Jeff Benicio
    Jeff Benicio

December 19, 2022 3:57 p.m

(updated at 4:03 p.m.)

The always creative Edney Silvestre, 72, opted for a theatrical farewell on Instagram. In front of the webcam he showed himself in a suit and tie.

He gradually ditched the jacket and formal accessory while also revealing his departure from Globo after 26 years. He was sacked after reaching an agreement with the summit.

For a long time he wore the typical clothes of television reporters. Even in his most notable reporting, that of the terrorist attacks on the United States. He was then a correspondent in New York, where he stayed from 1996 to 2002.

“I joined Globo and occupied an empty space of interest in the United States in arts that were in full boom: cinema, theater, literature. The correspondents before me were closer to politics and business,” he said in a statement to Projeto Memória Globo.

Edney Silvestre premiered on Globo on a cold night in December 1996 and is now saying goodbye to the channel in the same month.

Edney Silvestre premiered on Globo on a cold night in December 1996 and is now saying goodbye to the channel in the same month.

Photo: reproduction

He recently appeared in Globo Repórter’s video with a relaxed look. And he was able to present the viewer with the poetry of his text, combined with the pleasant voice.

A successful writer, Silvestre is a storyteller. Likes to tell the life and deeds of ordinary people. An oldfashioned, endangered journalist.

His departure expands the group of Globo journalism’s “big boys” who have been hit by the policy of reducing television’s fixed costs.

Neide Duarte, Isabela Assumpção, Francisco José, Chico Pinheiro, Carlos Tramontina, Alberto Gaspar, Ari Peixoto, Luís Fernando Silva Pinto, Renato Machado, among others, have been sacked in the last 2 years.

Together they are all over 60 years old. Some had been in the house for over 3 decades. Experience and talent have been sacrificed to save money, make investments profitable and increase profits.

In 2021, Grupo Globo suffered a loss of BRL 173 million despite record revenues of BRL 14.4 billion. Operating costs increase.

To get back into the blue, the channel that was leading in audiences gave up the casting bank, where it had more than a thousand actors under contract and most of the older presenters and reporters who earned more.

The reporter on September 11, 2001 at the epicenter of coverage of the US terrorist attacks

The reporter on September 11, 2001 at the epicenter of coverage of the US terrorist attacks

Photo: reproduction

Always elegant, Edney Silvestre showed gratitude for his career on the Marinho family channel. In contrast to some colleagues who, after their dismissal, criticized Globo’s management.

The journalist intends to continue publishing books, giving lectures and engaging with the public at literary events. You are missed on TV.

The gap left by veteran reporters makes us wonder if it doesn’t affect the quality of Globo’s journalism. They made a valuable contribution with their historical references, humanized texts and their complicity with the public.

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