Daughter reveals that Nicette Brunos ghost visited Marco Ricca

Daughter reveals that Nicette Bruno’s ghost visited Marco Ricca

Beth Goulart, 61, claimed the spirit of Nicette Bruno, who died of Covid19 in 2020 aged 82, was visiting her boyfriend Marco Ricca when he was admitted to the same hospital.

In an interview with Rádio Bandeirantes, the actress said that Marco himself said that he received Nicette several times. “Marco was admitted to the same hospital but it wasn’t in the same ICU. And he came to me: ‘Beth, I have to talk to you, I have to tell you something, your mother came to visit me every day’. I said: ‘How so?’. ‘ She was great and said, ‘My love, you’ll be better, you’ll get out of here, don’t worry. She was great, Beth, smiling in her own way with that little step of hers,” he recalled.

“I said, ‘Marco, she couldn’t have done that, she was in the hospital,’ and he said, ‘Beth, I don’t know how to explain this to you, but your mother came to see me in my bed every day'” , he added.

Beth believes Nicette had a “spiritual outpouring.” “I think she had a spiritual unfoldment. Her body was intubated there, but she was already working spiritually. She was already helping the sick there along with the spiritual medical team. That was such a strong proof for me, so great she is doing well. She is no longer who she is in this physical body and her spirit is on a different level,” he explained.