Toro your ideas full of ingenuity and originality Tomorrows horoscope

Taurus wants to change the rules of the game: horoscope for tomorrow, Tuesday, December 20th

Blackbeard horoscope for tomorrow, Tuesday, December 20th

Aries. 21/3 – 20/4

Since Jupiter has been a guest in the house since the afternoon, it would be better at this time to take stock in order to understand what reserves are available to you. You can make a great impression without spending a fortune. Creative recycling and artistic imagination.

Bull. 21/4 – 20/5

Unwilling to follow the logic of things and animated by the opposite of Moon to Uranus, you want to change the rules of the game if you can! An important decision keeps you on your toes. If you don’t know which direction to go, follow your intuition.

Twins. 21/5 – 21/6

Don’t revise preconceived notions that you’d rather change from the ground up. Sometimes a radical cut is required. Continue the week with little enthusiasm, but try to think of the upcoming holiday season!

Cancer. 22/6 – 22/7

Happiness seems within reach thanks to the Moon in perfect harmony with your sign. Sensitive with others, a little vulnerable. Don’t let anything or anyone interfere with your intimate understanding with your partner.

Lion. 23/7 – 23/8

If the destination was wrong, you don’t need excuses. A little failure doesn’t bring you down at all. Stay fit in the business jungle. You need your space. However, try to tell your partner without making drama out of it.

Virgo. 24/8 – 22/9

Circumstances do not allow you to relax as you would like, but on the other hand, pre-Christmas preparations cost a lot of time and money! Meet a friend you haven’t seen in a while. A reunion among beautiful memories is good for the heart.

weight scale. 23.9. – 22.10

The personal confirmation bears fruit, even if sometimes you should think a little more about others and not just about your wallet. You don’t live to work, you work to live. Say it out loud to anyone who wants to give you another shift.

Scorpio. 23.10. – 22.11

Very intense day full of emotions that will keep you in suspense, with the moon still your guest and so many things to do and organize. Time really isn’t much, but Mercury’s speed and quickness will give you a valuable hand.

Protect. 23.11. – 21.12

Better to suspend judgment and not go into overdrive to rush to a conclusion that might be wrong: “The dress doesn’t make the monk!”. Accept advice when it seems to come from the heart and not just for personal gain.

Capricorn. 22.12. – 20.1

With the Moon in harmony with Venus and Mercury, you really do have that extra something to help you overcome any difficulties you may have at work or in a relationship. Put dialogue first. You will avoid getting lost behind misunderstandings or possible misunderstandings.

Aquarium. 21.1. – 19.2

You know how to deal with a situation where you may have to spend too much money. After all, it’s not your fault if your dishwasher breaks down. In the emotional dimension, there may be some difficulties in understanding the other.

Fish. 20/2 – 20/3

No to unpopular choices when you want to spend moments in the company of the people you love. The lunar triangle with Neptune will guide you along the way. In interpersonal relationships one is not satisfied with superficiality. They want to discover new inner horizons.

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