Pablo with the sun on his face and the Cuban

Pablo, with the sun on his face and the Cuban sun on his bones

Thirty-five years were enough for Pablo de la Torriente Brau to leave the immortal traces of his creative (journalistic and literary) and political work beyond the borders of Cuba. A short but intense life

pablo torriente brau

How nice it was to find a naughty boy in it
Memoirs of the Sisters by Pablo de la Torriente Brau (12.
1901 – December 19, 1936). Yes, because the stories of the big ones
Personalities are plagued with idealistic stories that have nothing to do with it
the real man who actually existed. Yeah, I don’t believe in them the way he does
perfect human because they were just human; as also said
Carlos Aponte and Antonio Guiteras: “They had reckless excesses and mistakes

When they were almost 4 years old, Zoe and Nene met scissors in hand. meeting
in the cradle very calm and without joking, Mama Graziella is so worried
Silence, and there they are both skinless. What a meeting!

In most books he is described as one
athletic man. “It was
a tall young man, athletic muscled, dark hair, high forehead, voice
serious, haughty chin, open smile, transparent look and cheerful demeanor. Once
from time to time he broke out in a thunderous laugh that shook the windows of the house
window”. so that it
remembers his dear friend Raúl Roa.

Since childhood, he had an amazing memory. just enough
Mention that the poem The Iliad was learned in just one morning for later
recite it to the restless Zoe, who preferred the one from Campoamor.

From a young age he read The Golden Age and Don Quixote and
publishes his first text in the Athenist.

Anti-imperialism was born to him very early. with
just 19 years old in an exam to be accepted into the Navy as a cadet
Write “Senator with it
in Cuba it is synonymous with a bottle rack.»» The joke almost cost him dearly, since that’s what they were
20 years Republic of Cuba with false name.

Since childhood, Pablo has been projecting the traits
Essential to his character and personality. Humor that accompanies you
through life, even in the most difficult moments, has already been outlined
those early years. So the boy became a man on the way
Cervantes, Salgari and José Martí terminally ill with heroic emotions.

As a member of the Student Left, he took part in anti-government protests.
Pablo is arrested on January 3, 1931 and imprisoned in Castillo prison.
of the prince. To mark his retirement, he published the series of articles «105 days
Prisoner” (in the newspaper El Mundo), forerunner of testimonial journalism
in Latin America. A short time later he is arrested again and taken to prison
called Presidio Modelo, from the Isle of Pines. From the two years spent there
the series of works “The Island of 500 Murders” is created, which
published in the Ahora newspaper and a prelude to what would break the heart
model prison.

Pablo raises awareness of the fight and knows its importance for
national conquest in search of complete political liberation and
economically. You must act and the weapons of journalism will be armed. Pablo
publishes various texts that appeared in Alma magazine between 1934 and 1935
Mater and the Now newspaper.

Then he would have to go outside for his
Activities. He would only return to Cuba after Machado was overthrown.

When he returns from exile, he thinks about it sharply
Cuban panorama. He knows that a character is true to context
Yankee Master Designs: Fulgencio Batista. There’s your living commentary That’s Fulgencio Batista where
Unmasks the true personality of the “new Capablanca of chess”
Politicians in Cuba” who “receives poor President Mendieta who
Puppet with angry gestures, which he also moves at will with strings
visible to people.

After the failure of the March 1935 strike, he decided
Return to New York. There he continues his journalistic work with works that he sends out
To Cuba. At this time he wrote his last artistic criticism «Guajiros en
New York”, an article that received a posthumous Justo Journalism Award
by Lara. In his aesthetic opinions, he does not stop mixing his opinions
political and anti-imperialist, as well as his penetrating humor,
always present:

These cadres have shown their clear social motivation. You’ve shown it before
Faces red from all the vitamins, from all the excess, from the hunger for
a whole town unknown but fake”.

The above work enjoys a very informative entry
Original. “The farmers
You came to New York for the first time. They were brought by Antonio Gattorno, the painter
small and quiet, which always resembles his paintings«.

He does not rest there. His momentum doesn’t die. Participate
active in the Julio Antonio Mella Club and in various activities
revolutionary organizations of Latin American emigrants.

And the time is coming to go to Spain. if several
Colleagues at the time insisted that he return to the island,
Exploiting the precarious space afforded by a recent amnesty, Pablo
replied, with sincerity and humor – integral parts of him
epistolary and vital style – in a memorable letter: «You confused me a little
organizer or something like that. I’m very far from it, to my deepest
and honest judgement. Maybe I’ll go to Spain in search of all the lessons
are missing for this role, if I can give more of myself than one
press shaker. And I’m not getting carried away by any Musketeer endeavors. walk
just to learn for us one day. If anything else comes up, it is
because that’s the way things are in the revolution. As if a grenade would make me paralyzed.
Don’t think I’m mad either. I’m just trying to give to you
understand the secret of my journey there. And there is, as always in me, that
Emotion of impulse telling me now is my place. because my eyes
They were made to see extraordinary things. And my little machine to count them.
And that’s it””.

He goes as a correspondent for various publications: The New Masse of New
york and el machete,
Organ of the Mexican Communist Party. Pablo put all his talent and energy into it
in favor of a noble cause like the liberty of the oppressed in Spain
Stop the various fascist currents that Spain had chosen as
Scene of greater martial adventures.

His propaganda activities at the front consisted of
Organize political events to raise the spirits of militia officers
sometimes the naves.

Because of his status as a writer, he had developed a relationship
with the Alliance of Anti-Fascist Intellectuals. There were guests (including
they Antonio Aparicio and Miguel Hernández) to attend the rallies he
ready. With them he founds the newspaper Al
attack, stop
Deployment of brigade militiamen.

In his work as Political Commissar, he changed his
Presence on the frontlines with visits to nearby towns to recruit militiamen
for the fight.

In the Peña del Alemán he argues with the enemy. Pablo
maintained his distilled oratory and rivaled the fascists who gave it
reply to undermine the enemy’s morale and boost their own.
He began to become popular among the troops as the Cuban who gave speeches
fascists and yelled things like, “Comrades
Fascists, I’m a journalist and I’m from America. I’m from Cuba, from the States
United States, Belgium and France. And I can give you reports from Canada and everything
the Latin America. The whole world is against you. The workers of
The New York Anti-Fascist Committee collects many thousands of pesos for their
Spanish comrades…….With you there are Italian and German mercenaries
paid for by their governments, sent by Hitler and Mussolini, the two pimps
Provocateurs of Europe’s political cabaret”.

All of this happened in just three months
Pablo lived the experience of the Civil War. He wrote letters and chronicles about it
have remained as a moving literary document, as human testimony
Exciting in which, like in the life of its author, there is no lack of humor or
indispensable passion.

Image: Cuba journalists.