1671565093 Everyone knew what was happening at home

“Everyone knew what was happening at home”

Everyone knew what was happening at home

Yes, it’s not always easy being the daughter of Al Bano Carrisi. is to talk about Jasmine Carisiborn of the singer of Cellino San Marco and Loredana Lecciso, a Jasmine who is increasingly launching her musical career and who will be told in the Storie Italiane, the program hosted in the afternoon by Eleanor Daniel on Rai1.

During the show, Jasmine spoke of a few moments that shaped her in one way or another. between these, realize that he bears his father’s heavy and famous surname. A surname that occasionally turns into a cross, into a weight, he explains.

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“I have to say that I was never directly bullied – explains Jasmine Carrisi to Eleonora Daniele – but It hurt me a lot that not everyone knew what was going on at home. However, I tried to remain unnoticed, I was much more insecure than today.” For her last name, she explained, she had to return the hatred that the usual idiots pour out on her on social media.

And again Jasmine Carrisi added: “It’s not easy being a daughter ofin fact, there are often many expectations of you that make you live it worse. It can happen that they call you because you have a famous father, yes, but then you have to prove what you’re worth,” he concluded in his heartfelt story to Storie Italiane.

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