France condemns Rwandas support for the M23 rebellion

France condemns Rwanda’s support for the M23 rebellion

Published on: 2022-12-20 – 13:18

During a press conference, the spokesman for Quai d’Orsay called on Kigali to respect the Luanda and Nairobi processes aimed at ending hostilities in North Kivu, where the former rebellion took up arms again there a year ago.

This is the first time France mentions this link between the M23 and Rwanda. A real evolution of the diplomatic line. So far, France has tended to get closer to the Kigali authorities in recent years. President Macron quickly wanted to set himself apart from his predecessors. For this reason, in 2018 Paris notably supported the candidacy of Louise Mushikiwabo at the head of La Francophonie. At that time she was Rwanda’s foreign minister.

► Also read: The Duclert report, a major step towards normalization between France and Rwanda

It was in this vein that the Duclert Commission, responsible for examining France’s role in the 1994 genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda, was set up. A report that laid down “a series of heavy and overwhelming responsibilities” by Paris. And most importantly, in 2021, President Macron made a business trip to Rwanda.

Added to this is the presence of the Rwandan army in Mozambique to fight against the jihadists in Cabo Delgado, where France is involved in a gas production project for the Total company.

“An anticipation of the UN experts’ report”

A researcher specializing in the field explains this change of course with: “An anticipation of the report by UN experts on the situation in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo”. This report, which is expected in the next few hours, this analyst adds, must once again highlight Rwanda’s support for the M23. Again since August a first report had already mentioned this link.

This new document would contain “overwhelming” evidence, according to specialists in the region. And this report has been in the hands of diplomats in New York for several days. From this we can deduce that this is a pressure surge for Western diplomacy.

Because the only country that has made its position clear so far is the United States. American diplomacy has repeatedly pointed to the Rwanda/M23 link and has repeatedly officially requested that this support be discontinued.

What about the other law firms?

A report that also supports the Congolese diplomatic efforts of recent months. “Let’s see if the others follow,” asks an expert. The others are mainly European diplomacy and the UK.

A step was taken on the part of the European Parliament a few weeks ago. At the end of November he had “officially asked Rwanda not to support the M23”. But everything is in the wording, it wasn’t a condemnation like France’s. On the part of the European Union and in particular the Commission, there has not yet been a corresponding declaration.

For its part, the UK, which is one of the most important voices in Western diplomacy, has important interests with Kigali. The two countries have struck a controversial deal that would see Rwanda welcoming migrants who entered the UK illegally while their asylum claims are assessed. and monday The UK judiciary has recognized the legality of this agreement. We therefore imagine that it will be difficult for the UK to condemn Rwanda’s support for the M23.